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Of course, the message from the Błażej's manager caused panic among those planning the party. Most things were already prepared, but Monika insisted on fine-tuning the details. Everyone stood still when they heard Makary's phone ringing.

"Is it him?" asked almost everyone at the same time.

Hazel-eyed nodded and locked himself in the first-year's room to talk to him in peace and not arouse suspicion with any sounds. Especially since Monika and Krystian were fighting for leadership quite loudly. After the conversation, he wanted to believe that Błażej's mood would improve immediately after he saw what they had prepared for him.

"We have half an hour," announced Makary, returning to the others.

Suddenly the grown-ups were able to pull themselves together, stop arguing over dominance, and end things five minutes early. The five of them looked happily at the colourful paper decorations hung everywhere, the table laden with snacks and gifts hidden in the corner. There was an atmosphere of joyful anticipation in the room, Monika went to prepare the cake, hoping that Błażej would arrive on time. Krystian was delegated to bring him to the appropriate room.

The friend was waiting by the door and rushed to the corridor as soon as he heard that the birthday boy had entered the apartment. He pretended to be surprised to see him.

"The manager did not let me know that she changed the schedule, so I have a day off," announced Błażej with a sigh. "Makary will come soon, won't you mind?"

"No," replied Krystian. "Come on, during the break from studying, I found a funny video, I'll show you and improve your mood."

The first year had no reason to disagree, he just followed Krystian and stopped in shock when he saw everyone.

"Surprise!" exclaimed those involved in the plan and began to sing a birthday song for Błażej.

Monika approached the birthday boy with a cake and put it under his nose, asking him to make a wish and blow out twenty candles. Preferably in one go. It took Błażej a moment to realize what was actually going on. The cousin gave him a warm hug and started cutting the cake.

"Uncle, what did you wish for?" asked Tymek, snuggling into his leg.

"You know that I can't tell you," replied the birthday boy and hugged the youngest partygoer.

"Happy birthday," whispered Basia quietly, a bit afraid of her brother's reaction to her sight.

Błażej stretched out his hands towards her and after a moment closed them in a bear hug, barely holding back tears. He missed his little sister so much and whispered it to her along with his apologies that he couldn't be present in her life. After this tender family reconciliation, Krystian also hugged his friend.

"Finally, I can wish you happy birthday in person, after so many years," he laughed. "It's good to celebrate together again."

Makary was the last in line to make wishes, he was delaying it because he wasn't sure how he should behave, especially in the presence of children, whom Monika was slowly herding to the table. And she went to make coffee herself. Błażej came up to him and put his head on his shoulder, Makary embraced him lightly, although he would like to hug him with all his strength.

"I could have lied," he said, at which Błażej looked at him surprised. "I don't know if you'll get cocoa."

"You'll make it up to me next time by adding whipped cream."

The first year laughed and sat down at the table. Everyone expected him to be the first to try the cake and give his opinion on the taste. He confirmed that it was tasty, which especially made Monika breathe a sigh of relief. The party began, and then they played various games, Błażej unwrapped the presents and accepted them all with equal gratitude. Makary initially felt uncomfortable, but it turned out that he could get along with both Monika and Krystian. Even the usually fussy Tymek liked the food, which surprised Monika, to whom he also reacted in the same way to cooking.

However, at some point, hazel-eyed had to hide in the kitchen under the pretext of preparing hot snacks. He didn't even know when Błażej also appeared there.

"Whose idea was that?" he asked, trying to grab a treat before it hit the table.

"Monika," replied Makary, hitting lightly his hand. "We just acted as her helpers and got a few outsiders involved."

"So that's how it was." Błażej smiled and grabbed his hand. "I'm glad you're here."

"Me too," replied the happy hazel-eyed man. "Tell me, can I steal some of your time before midnight? You haven't received a gift from me yet."

"You can steal as much as you want."

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