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Jola grew up in an orphanage and put a lot of effort into fulfilling her dream of being a film make-up artist. Initially, she focused only on her career, she made a name for herself and was almost sure that the past would no longer haunt her in any way.

However, due to her difficult start in life, she was very suspicious of the sincerity of Maciej's feelings. Her heart decided for her and thanks to this she gained a husband, she had three wonderful children with him, but she was also accepted into the family she could always count on.

She was especially grateful to Makary for taking care of the kids whenever he could when suddenly something came up. This time it was the same, Maciej was on a business trip, the children were on vacation, and she was supposed to have the day off because there were no photos planned that day. However, she received an unexpected call that there had been a change of plans and she could barely contain herself from uttering a few curse words before she hung up.

She was glad that at least she hadn't had time to tell her children that she was going to take them bowling and that she had avoided disappointing them. She wanted to surprise them, which unfortunately had to be postponed.

After arranging everything with Makary, she took her offspring to him and quickly went to work. It turned out that by accident Kornelia also asked to take care of her children. She needed at least a few hours to herself, so she made an appointment with a friend to go to the hairdresser and for a few short spa treatments. The cousins were delighted, after all, the more the merrier. Additionally, Tymek, who came with Błażej, was to join them.

A few hours later, an exhausted Jola eagerly accepted the invitation to dinner. Makary finished preparing it while she watched curiously as the boys played a game and the girls concentratedly tried their hand at crocheting. Błażej promised them this during dinner at their grandparents' house. She smiled even wider as she looked at her doting brother-in-law, who was staring transfixed at the scene.

"Didn't the youngest princess tease you?" Jola asked.

"No, it is enough for Błażej to take her in his arms and she will calm down," replied Makary. "She slept well and didn't complain while feeding."

"So much the better for you," she laughed. "I wonder if I should organize a day for myself after this series."

"That bad?" Błażej asked, walking up to them to have at least a sip of coffee before one of the children needed him again.

"Yes and no, we have a great team and, unfortunately, a young, rising star. His manager wants us to treat him like a god, because only thanks to him this project will be successful and we have to adapt to him," the woman sighed heavily. "I hate it when the success goes to their heads. I admit that the young man is handsome and talented, but he has a nasty personality and it is not easy to work with him."

"It really doesn't sound encouraging," concluded Makary and decided that dinner was ready to be served.

After the meal, Jola could not refuse the children who did not want to be separated from the others, and the twins wanted to finish their work under Błażej's supervision. She just went to a nearby store to buy dessert for coffee and ice cream for the kids. She was gone only a few minutes, and in the meantime, chaos broke out, Makary tried to separate Antek and Tymek, who were fighting. She knew that her brother-in-law didn't like to raise his voice, so she took on this role. She took a deep breath and blurted out in one breath: "Boys, that's enough!"

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