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Tymek's plan did not work out and it was difficult for him to come to terms with the defeat. Monika, the boy's mother, could not believe that her son could alienate his neighbors. She had recently moved to this part of the city and did not want to have a bad opinion that she had to deal with many times before. It was also supposed to be a new beginning for her. Błażej, however, assured his cousin that he would take care of it and apologize to her neighbor. She also wanted to go and make Tymek understand that he had done something wrong. Her cousin, however, tried hard to dissuade her from this intention.

Błażej chose the stairs instead of the elevator, after all, it was only two floors, but it also gave him a little more time to think over his plan. He assumed he would apologize, give a store-bought succulent, and somehow speak about yesterday evening. He realized that he did not know his name, and he could not decide how to properly address him. Once he said per 'sir', other times more directly, he wondered what would come of it. He hoped that Tymek's behavior would be forgiven. He glanced at the phone once more, but no new message came. He took a deep breath and rang the bell, waited a moment, listening to see if anyone was in the apartment, and would open the door for him.

Makary was not expecting visitors, and although his family liked to pay unexpected visits to each other, he had a feeling it was none of his relatives after all. How great was his surprise when he saw Błażej, who in spite of everything avoided him with his eyes? He did not understand what was actually happening and why someone was asking him to take the plant.

"What is it about?" he asked, holding out his hands to accept the gift.

"I just wanted to apologize for Tymek's behavior in the elevator," said Błażej, a bit embarrassed.

"It's okay," muttered Makary. "I'm not surprised he understood the situation this way. How did you know which door you should knock on?"

"Oh well." Błażej blushed a bit but realized that it was part of his plan, and he gathered himself up. "I was here yesterday and I'm glad you're feeling better now."

"So it's you." Makary smiled hesitantly, not believing this coincidence. A loud noise from the kettle broke him from his lethargy. "I was just making coffee. Maybe you want some too, by the way, you may tell me what I did stupid yesterday."

Błażej nodded and crossed the threshold of Makary's apartment. He did not think that Nemo would attack him right away, sit on his head and start pecking. Yesterday I didn't have a chance to check you out, you bastard, don't think you will miss it. The parrot gave him a break after a while, stating that he could be there for now, but was watching him closely. Of course, Makary apologized for the pet's behavior. Błażej hesitantly took the next steps, seeing that the apartment is already in order, he felt calmer, if there was still a mess there, the situation would be even more awkward.

While preparing coffee for an unexpected guest, Makary fought his nerves, which manifested themselves in shaking hands. He noticed that Błażej had yet to sit down, and hesitated a bit as if he were summoning the courage to do something.

"Actually, there was never a chance to properly introduce myself," the younger man suddenly blurted out and walked over to the other with his hand outstretched. "I'm Błażej".

"I know." Makary immediately regretted admitting it, but he had no influence on it, stating that he would explain it in a moment. "Makary."

They shook hands and Fate made a victory gesture, promising to check on them in a while. The hazel-eyed awkwardly explained how he already knew Błażej's name, fearing that he would be considered some kind of dangerous stalker. The younger man, however, only laughed at the explanation of the situation. They sat down on the couch and continued their conversation.

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