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When they went to sleep, Błażej was extremely nervous, although it wasn't the first time he stayed at Makary's. However, they weren't a couple before, and what if now there are expectations that he can't meet? Or maybe he will fall into some dangerous spiral of making his own unrealistic assumptions about their relationship.

Makary was a little worried about Błażej's behaviour, he knew that it was a big step for him, but he did not suspect that it would affect him so much. He was aware that now he should watch his beloved's behaviour and reactions even more carefully, but at the same time, he could not predict them, being extremely curious about them. Most importantly, he had to be careful not to get into a situation where he got carried away again. He had waited so long and this relationship he couldn't break, the patience he'd been working on for so long couldn't suddenly disappear. He lay down on his back and put his hands behind his head, decided to follow Błażej's decision, and tried to sleep.

The first year glanced at him uncertainly, as if he expected more words to be said, or something else to happen that evening. Then he shook his head, but maybe that was a better solution. However, he wanted closeness, but he hesitated for a long time before making any gesture. Finally, he remembered that he was supposed to fight his fear and moved closer to the hazel-eyed, resting his head on his shoulder and his hand on his belly. He was startled when, instead of cloth, he felt bare skin and muscle. It was too late, so he did not withdraw his hand, but at the same time, somewhere deep inside him, there was a desire to get to know the body of the person he fell in love with a little better. For now, however, he extinguished it in himself, afraid of what Makary might think of him.

"Your hands are cold," the hazel-eyed whispered, partly staying in the land of dreams.

"Sorry." Błażej withdrew his hand, regretting that he had to do it. However, he felt Makary grab it and place it where he had just taken it.

"I didn't say it bothered me," he announced, already more awake, but then he laughed softly. "Just don't try to discover anything else today."

Błażej hit him lightly with his open palm for this remark, he knew that he blushed and only snuggled closer to his beloved, as if it would somehow help him hide his shame and uncertainty. He fell asleep exceptionally quickly after that and slept strangely deeply and peacefully.

The alarm clock howled unpleasantly and the first year searched for the phone to silence it, freeing himself from Makary's embrace and him from dreamland at the same time. Błażej rolled over on his side and quickly scanned the most important news, he was about to get up when he was seized by the waist and dragged back into the depths of the bed.

"Not yet," mumbled sleepy Makary, cuddling to his back. "Let me enjoy your presence."

Błażej was shocked at first, but then he smiled to himself, so it was the feeling when someone kept you in bed. Isn't that how he imagined his mornings if he was in a serious relationship, but he usually would be the one who doesn't want to leave the bed too soon?

"And I thought I was a sleepyhead," he laughed, after all, a few minutes of lying down would not disturb his plans for the whole day.

He shivered when he felt gentle kisses on his neck, he didn't expect it, much less how much pleasure it brings, so he said nothing and let himself enjoy it. Makary broke his resolution regarding "I can't get carried away" and made it more and more boldly. He heard a soft, involuntary groan as he reached the spot just behind his ear. This sobered him up a bit, especially since Błażej froze.

"A weak spot, eh?" He chuckled, trying to lighten the situation a bit, and plopped down on his side of the bed, stepping back. "Sorry, I got carried away again."

"And once you said that slow pace suits you," Błażej accused him maliciously, but he didn't blame him. He just took the opportunity to tease. He was smiling inwardly. "But don't forbid me something that you yourself then do with such care. Also, it would be appropriate for you to reveal your weak point as well."

"Like I would tell you just like that," Makary replied feistily.

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