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"I screwed something up! Put Makary on the phone!" said his friend in an angry whisper. -

"Wait a minute," Błażej replied, rolling his eyes and handing the phone to the surprised hazel-eyed, adding in a whisper "Save this fool."

"Tell him that I heard it," Krystian hissed, having Makary on the phone.

"What is it about?" the hazel-eyed one asked and frowned, listening to the complaints on the other end of the phone about how the dish didn't look right. "Turn on the webcam so I can see what's going on."

He put his phone on speakerphone. Błażej, interested in the situation, interrupted his studies and watched the chaos on the screen of his device. Krystian was nervous, but he didn't see that it would alienate Makary, who was leaning against the table seriously thinking about solving the problem. He gave Krystian the next steps he should take to save the dinner. The first year looked up and down his form for a moment. The more he said he liked what he saw, the more he blushed. He was glad the hazel-eyed didn't notice.

"It would be better if I could see what was going on all the time," said Makary.

"I can't cook with one hand and hold the phone with the other," growled Krystian.

"You should not have run before you can walk," said Błażej. "You only know the basics of cooking."

"You are not better! You can't cook yourself!"

"If you behave like this, you will scare Sylwia away."

"Krystian," Makary drew his attention, putting blood on their mutual teasing. "I need you to concentrate and not shout over Błażej. And you don't tease him even more." He gave his beloved a slightly reproachful look, which made the first year look offended. "He cares a lot."

"At least you can see it."

"Sylwia will also appreciate it," Makary consoled Krystian.

Błażej sat quietly but still watched the situation. He and his friend teased all the time, but he really could spare himself an unnecessary comment. When they said goodbye he didn't look so nervous, he didn't suspect that something like this would throw him off balance so easily. He decided that he would make it up to him somehow after he apologized to him. Suddenly the image became more stable and both of Krystian's hands were visible.

"Sylwia, what are you doing?" It was heard. "You don't have to help me." A moment of silence. "Okay, then hold the phone. Makary, tell me please what's the next step."

The cook gave him a few more simple instructions and asked him to try. Krystian's reaction to the taste was not the best, so Makary began to list the spices that are usually added to this dish. Everything was right, so he listed the most basic salt and pepper at the end.

"I forgot about the salt," Krystian muttered in embarrassment.

"It happens to me too sometimes," Makary replied with a smile. "Cook for a while and you can eat. Have fun."

"Thanks for your help, you too have fun. Just give Błażej a hit from me and don't give him any dessert."

"Sorry," the first year said remorsefully before they hung up.

"As always, I forgive you." Krystian threw a laugh, completely calm after the girl appeared at his side. "Makary, don't give him dessert anyway!"

"This site of you was not very known to me so far," muttered the hazel-eyed, finally laughing at the whole situation.

"Not that I have anything to brag about," Błażej replied and tried to change the subject. "When will dinner be?"

"In twenty minutes," Makary replied.

"And a dessert?" he asked hopefully.

"You know perfectly well that you don't deserve it."

Błażej made a sad face and went back to studying, watched by Makary, who was laughing under his breath. He hoped that this situation would help him win over Krystian. He thought it was good to see a slightly less perfect side of him. After all, everyone has some flaws.

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