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"How long you are here?" Krystian asked bluntly.

"I've been here every day for almost a week," Makary replied nervously, feeling cornered by the young man. "But I only stayed for a night twice."

Hazel-eyed regretted adding the second sentence because Krystian's face became even more fierce. He tried to explain that Błażej was ill and was taking care of him, but nothing seemed to work in his favour.

"I know," Krystian replied only. "I'm surprised he kindly informed me of his own accord that he was ill."

"He didn't want to worry anyone..."

"Don't speak for him!" The roommate finally snapped out. "You don't know him as long as I'm his best friend! I came back because I couldn't be with him when he needed me most, and he doesn't even have time for me." Krystian hit the wall with his fist. "It's always either study or work, but somehow he can find some time to go out with you. I regret pushing him into your arms, even though I see him happy. Nothing but Makary this, Makary that ... I miss my friend, and we live together. And you're taking him away from me even more!"

"I didn't want to," the hazel-eyed man replied sadly, but he had no arguments to defend himself. "I'll get my things and go."

"No, forget that I'm back, that I exist and enjoy your presence," Krystian sneered and slammed the door from his room.

However, he went back out, because he had forgotten his suitcase in the corridor, and there was another bang. Makary returned to Błażej, who was already fully awake and sat on the bed.

"How many have you heard?"

"Everything," said Błażej. "Don't worry, he hates flying, he's always grumpy afterwards and hungry too."

"I don't want to come between you two. I feel guilty that something is wrong."

"Stop there," Błażej said decisively, getting up. "It's only my fault. I was too selfish, I should have made time for him too. At least I know how much it hurt him, I'll talk to him."

"Do it right away," suggested Makary, gathering his things. "And eat breakfast, which is ready in the kitchen."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Just promise me that, I will see you soon."

Hazel-eyed was sad, but he understood how important friendship is in life. He wanted to be on good terms with Krystian, hoping for a more serious relationship with Błażej. The first year's smile made up for it, however, as did the assurance that he would keep a promise.

"Can I use breakfast to try to bribe him?"

"Just not waste it."

Makary had mixed feelings, glad that everything was going well between them. On the other hand, he was so mentally despaired that he had to give up his seat for a moment and return to himself. He hoped to spend at least a few more hours with his beloved, but life dictated other plans. He was wondering where they should go next when an old lady with a dog accosted him. He had exchanged New Year's greetings on his first visit, and somehow found it often when entering or leaving the building.

"You usually look better," she said worriedly. "Something happened? Did you fight?"

"No," Makary replied, surprised by her oddly accurate remarks. "On the contrary, everything is fine. I'm just worried about when we'll see each other again and where to go on a date then," he replied, seeking comfort and extending his hand to her friendly canine companion.

"The place is not important," the older woman smiled warmly. "Or what you will do as long as both sides enjoy each other's presence."

Hazel-eyed nodded and promised himself he would take her advice to heart. Fate listened to their conversation and breathed a sigh of relief that, after all, nothing serious had happened and he did not have to return immediately to devise another plan.

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