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The twins, however, were proud of each other and decided to capture their work and took a photo of it with their uncle's phone. They had to show it off, although they were not aware that they were simultaneously confessing to their crime. The girls sent a photo to their parents and another uncle, and grandparents, and in the throes of pressing contacts to send a message to everyone at once, the one described as "B" was also there.

In the meantime, Błażej had already left the shower and was reading a book before going to bed. He concentrated on the content and reluctantly put down his reading to pick up the phone from the desk across the room to set the alarm clock for the early hours the next day. A moment later he received the message and burst out laughing loudly. In a happy mood, he tried to take the best selfie he could pose as if he was running his hand through his hair with the note I don't know who your talented beautician is, but give me a number and ask if they can handle my ugly face.

The girls were scared when the answer came to Makary's phone and Kaja who was holding the phone dropped it on the ground. They realized that the sound woke up their uncle, who wiped his face with his hand and smeared the applied cosmetics even more. He blinked and looked at the dirty hand, not yet fully understanding what had happened. He came to his senses after a moment and wondered why his nieces were scared while trying to hide something.

"What happened?" he asked, getting up from the couch, complaining of back pain because he had fallen asleep in an uncomfortable position.

He went to the bathroom, being watched uncertainly by the children, when he saw his reflection in the mirror he screamed terrified of his appearance, and began to quickly wash off his makeup. It smeared even more and couldn't get rid of some cosmetics completely. He had no makeup removers, and he was getting madder to see that his efforts were not producing the desired results.

He returned to the living room, where the girls did not move and burst into tears at his furious gaze. Makary did not want to shout at girls, even though he had a few mad words on his lips. But he knew it was useless, he didn't want them to be afraid of him. He only asked why they did it, and through tears and one by one, they began to explain that they had stolen their mother's cosmetics and wanted to learn how to do the makeup. The face of the sleeping uncle was too tempting not to try the spoils on it. After a while, they also admitted that she had dropped the phone and were afraid they'd broken it.

Makary picked up the device and at first glance judged that it was probably okay. He consoled his nieces that nothing had happened and he knew that they had already softened their uncle's heart with tears. But he pretended to be still angry and told them to take a bath. At that time, he prepared cocoa for the twins and tea for himself. While waiting for the whistle of the kettle, he checked the phone and, dissatisfied, discovered a further part of the niece's crime to which they had not admitted. His family had already begun to tease him with their replies, but his mood slightly improved when he saw that he had also received a message from Błażej.

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