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Makary woke up in the middle of the night, trying to find the source of the light that was keeping him awake. He noticed that behind it was Błażej's phone lying on the floor. It illuminated his face, which protruded over the edge of the bed as he lay on his stomach. The first-year flinched when he felt his beloved's hand on his back, stroking him tenderly.

"Something hurts you?" the hazel-eyed man asked worriedly.

"No," Błażej replied. "Sorry, I probably woke you up."

"That's not the point."

Makary cuddled up to him, making a final decision, contrary to his previous decisions, that he would find out what the problem was. He sighed quietly and made sure that Błażej was listening to him.

"You're worried about tomorrow, that's why you can't sleep," he continued. "Talk to me, whatever it's about."

The first year locked his phone and closed his eyes. He was glad that the darkness was on his side this time and Makary couldn't observe his facial expressions. He would read quite a lot from it, and he didn't want to worry him unnecessarily, after all, it was his family. On the one hand, he was happy that they were getting to know each other better and better, but on the other, he was sometimes afraid of how much she already knew about him.

"What if your family doesn't accept me? Maybe they'll think I'm not good enough for you?" he asked, unable to completely control the tremor in his voice.

"You don't have to worry about that, I have a feeling they already adore you, just from my stories about you."

"You probably coloured them."

"I didn't have to," Makary laughed. "Everything I told them about you was true. Besides, you've already met some of them and everyone can't wait for tomorrow. My dad may seem unapproachable at first, but he was like that even to Jolka and Kornelia. He needs some time to evaluate a potential new family member."

"What if..."

"Błażej." Makary kissed him on the shoulder. "Even if anyone in my family has any buts against them, it won't mean anything to me. I love you and that's all that matters to me."


"Why do I love you?" Makary thought for a moment about the right choice of words that would allow him to express his feelings. "Chocolate."

"Chocolate?" Błażej stood up surprised, trying to remember any significant interaction involving this type of sweetness.

"Yes, you know I love dark chocolate, and your eyes are exactly that colour. I don't think I've told you this yet. I don't know when exactly I fell in love with you, what caught my attention when we first met by chance, or what led us to this moment. I believe it's a kind of fate." Makary smiled and stroked his beloved's cheek, and then pulled him to him, closing him in a hug. "Then I just wanted to be with you, listen to your warm voice, see your sincere smile and enjoy every second by your side. You are resourceful, responsible, talented, sometimes mischievous, but caring and considerate. You have a good heart and I'm lucky you gave me a chance."

Błażej didn't know what to say, he felt like his heart wanted to burst out of his chest. And he felt like jumping for joy, instead, he hugged Makary even tighter.

"I love you too," he whispered, aware of these words' importance. Maybe he couldn't make great love speeches, but he knew Makary understood how much was behind it.

"Now sleep and gather your strength. It'll come in handy, you're used to dealing with just one child, not the whole bunch that will come after you tomorrow."

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