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The men stood in an embrace for a moment, savouring each other's presence and the hope of averting what could turn into a serious crisis. They sat on the couch, searching for words that would help them to get through the accumulated, too much for one evening, emotions.

"Is Basia sleeping already?" Makary asked, nervously tapping his foot.

"Yes. Fortunately, she fell asleep," answered Błażej. "I expected our parents to say such things to her, but..."

"It's a different thing to face it in reality," Makary finished and finally decided to take Błażej's hand in his again, which made him smile apologetically.

"I shouldn't have let you go then," the first year sighed heavily. "I regretted it very much, but when I heard Basia, all my strength to oppose the world suddenly left me."

"You have many people who will stand behind you, Basia can also be one of them if you give her time to get used to this situation a bit," said Makary, allowing Błażej to rest his head on his shoulder. "Your sister loves you very much, but she's probably torn between you and her parents."

"How it was with you? Did your family accept you right away?"

"No, they needed some time, especially my brothers." The hazel-eyed smiled sadly, remembering this unpleasant period himself. "But I never felt rejected."

"I can only envy a little," whispered Błażej. "But you're right, I have these few wonderful people in my life who accept me and love me."

"I hope you count me among them, too?" Makary laughed, lifting his beloved's chin a bit to be able to look him in the eyes.

"Should I?" the first year said provocatively.

"I thought it was too obvious already that I'm madly in love with you," the hazel-eyed whispered tenderly, telling the truth after all and watching Błażej's with pleasure.

The first year stared at him, mesmerized by this confession, though he would have liked to look away in embarrassment, but he couldn't bring himself to do so. He felt his cheeks burning more and more with every second, and his heart bursting out of his chest. He felt like an idiot now.

Even though he already knew Makary a lot, he still marvelled at how he changed when they were alone. It was as if all of his shyness and insecurities suddenly vanished as he found himself in a more comfortable environment. Compared to how terrified he used to be when they went out and the room became crowded, or when he had to go up to someone from the staff to buy, for example, a ticket. Błażej was always willing to play the role of a hero, but he lost this attitude every time they found themselves in a similar situation.

"Me too, in love with you," Błażej replied, surprised at how much joy he gave him saying these words, and even more when he noticed that it was not easy for Makary to hide his blush and smile warmly. "I don't want to say anything, but didn't you promise me another gift?"

"It's long after midnight and after your birthday," the hazel-eyed noted.

"We haven't gone to sleep yet, I recognize that this day is not over," said the offended Błażej, who probably did not want to have to say loudly and clearly that I want my first kiss here and now.

Makary had no strength to tease him any longer, he had been waiting for this moment himself. He leaned in and their lips finally touched, though only for a brief moment, and the experience left an electrifying impression on both of them.

Błażej touched his lips with his hand, as if he did not understand what had just happened and at the same time trying to remember every detail.

"You look like you can't believe what happened," Makary smiled and stroked his beloved's head in a caring gesture.

"Maybe a little."

"Do you need me to pinch you or would you rather just repeat it to be sure?"

"I think I prefer a replay," whispered Błażej, hoping that this one would not be the last.

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