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After a long time, Błażej finally got over the unpleasant event in the restaurant, although he felt that it would come back to him. And more often than he would like. He also saw how Makary was trying to distract him and convince him to focus on the time they could spend together.

They arrived there with a slight delay because quite a lot of people decided to go to the zoo on one of the first warmer weekends this year. This caught Makary off guard a bit, as he began to nervously watch the line of cars heading in the same direction as their bus, which was also empty. He was afraid that it would spoil their exit a bit, but he also hoped that at the same time, his uncertainty would allow Błażej to show off, thanks to which he would regain some self-confidence.

He didn't feel good with the unfriendly looks of people who had to stand in lines at the ticket offices when they could have gone to the exit, thanks to the fact that Błażej had bought tickets online in advance.

"Some of them looked like they wanted to kill us with their eyes," Makary laughed uncertainly when they had already crossed the gates.

"Some people were probably already planning to demand that we give them our tickets and stand in line for them, just because," muttered Błażej, unfazed by other people. The hazel-eyed man looked at him with slight surprise. "Working in retail sometimes makes you feel like you don't really want to be overly polite. Besides, I didn't stop anyone from coming prepared." The first year shrugged with a smile.

"You're a bit mischievous," Makary muttered, nevertheless amused by his beloved's statement.

"I must have some flaws," Błażej laughed.

"And I thought I wouldn't find any from you."

"Then I would be the perfect match."

"And unfortunately for me, probably very sought after. Then I wouldn't have any chance," Makary pretended how much this realization hurt him.

"Surely only you would attract my attention," Błażej consoled him. "And now you condemn yourself to me. You have to take the whole package, including the cons."

"I'd love to, if you decide to do the same."

Błażej turned towards him and smiled happily as if to confirm that this was true. Makary regretted that there were so many people around because he would like nothing more in the world than to keep this moment completely to himself. Forget about the whole world for a moment, don't worry about what people around you might think when such significant words are said to him. However, he guessed that for Błażej public displays of feelings might be too big a step for now.

He just smiled even wider, in love and happy. He suggested that they take their time, suspecting that they wouldn't have time to get around the entire zoo. And thanks to this, they will have the opportunity to come here again. They spent a lot of time in each enclosure, often competing with each other to be the first to spot species that were well hidden or taking an afternoon nap. Makary took photos with his phone, trying to capture as much of his beloved as possible, who was not always willing to do so.

Błażej carefully read the information about the animals and marked on the zoo plan which representatives of the fauna they managed to meet and which they did not. He made it his goal to see each of them at least once. He was glad that he was here with Makary, he often looked at him when he was sure he wouldn't notice, but sometimes he caught him doing it. When their eyes met, he only became convinced that he could no longer run away from the love that wanted to offer him so much happiness. He saw in his mind how greedily he reached out for her, and he did not regret his greed at all.

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