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"How much do you have left?" the hazel-eyed man asked worriedly. "Will you find some time for me today?"

"No, but I want to take care of a few more things," replied Błażej, patting his beloved's hand.

"I'm going to take a shower don't you want to join me for a break?"

The first year just rolled his eyes and gave Makary a pointed look. The offer was tempting, but he preferred to actually finish what he had to do rather than stop just before the end and then go through even greater agony to start working again. The older of them understood the message, but he couldn't help but look offended and say under his breath with disappointment that Błażej didn't know what he was missing.

Makary was still acting offended when he got out of the shower and focused on solving crosswords. On the one hand, it irritated him that his beloved would not succumb to his charm without a fight, but on the other, it was a very nice change and an encouragement to banter. He glanced at Błażej from time to time, especially when he noticed some movement out of the corner of his eye, stretching or adjusting his glasses.

There finally came a moment when the books and notebooks were returned to the bag and Błażej paid him some attention. However, he could tell that he was tired and that something was bothering him, but the first year obviously wasn't going to share it with him. He guessed what it might be about, but he didn't want to force anything out of him.

The first year disappeared in the shower when Makary was trying to figure out how to start the conversation so that it wasn't too direct, but at the same time made Błażej relieve his burden. He just wanted him not to worry about the next day, scolding himself for not being so sure that everything would go well before.

Makary, however, got distracted and glanced at Błażej, who was coming out of the bathroom and trying to sneak quietly to his bag. The hazel-eyed man pretended that he was not interested in this view, although he was secretly enjoying it. Błażej searched the bag, swearing quietly under his breath. He finally gave in, realizing that the things he forgot would not magically appear in the bag.

"I didn't want to forget the gift and something elegant to wear for tomorrow so much that I forgot to take something for sleep," he said, disappointed with himself. "Could you lend me something?"

"Sure, I'll go look for it soon," Makary muttered, his voice lower, approaching his beloved, who still felt embarrassed by his partial nudity. "I thought maybe you could leave some of your stuff here, so you wouldn't have to worry about it or have to come over every time to pick up those few things. Of course, I don't mind a situation like this, but I would be very happy if you could stay here quite spontaneously."

He embraced the first year, feeling the drops of water dripping from his hair on his cheeks. He laughed to himself, he never dried them properly. He felt like he felt warmth coming from Błażej's cheeks, but something else caught his attention.

"You've lost weight," Makary noticed. "Should I be worried?"

"No, you're just feeding me too well and too healthily," Błażej laughed, snuggling closer. "But go find me something, I'm cold."

"Not yet." The hazel-eyed man started kissing his neck.

"I should have known it would end like this," the first year sighed, although he was actually smiling. "Do you want me to freeze?"

"On the contrary. You know how hard it was for me to resist your charm throughout the evening, still being able to watch you all the time, and the glasses..."

"Stop it," Błażej interrupted him and forced him to look him in the eye. "I missed you too."

After a while, the only sound was the bedroom door slamming. Nemo no longer paid attention to this type of scene, and Zephyr did not fully understand what was happening, so he asked the older parrot to explain what their people were actually doing.

"I don't know and I don't care," Nemo replied and squawked furiously. "But they could turn off the light behind them, some people would like to go to sleep!"

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