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Błażej was angry, he knew something was wrong as soon as he crossed the threshold of the store and saw more people than he should have. The rest of the team was there, and the women pretended to be surprised to see him.

"What are you doing here?" the manager asked. "But you're free today."

"Not at all," the first year denied and flicked through his phone for the last photo of the roster. According to him, he should start working soon.

"I may have made a few changes that I forgot to mention to you," the woman announced and handed him a piece of paper with the current list of changes. "I was just sorting through my papers recently when I came across your resume and realized today is your birthday."

"But since you're here, have a coffee with us," suggested Grażyna and disappeared for a moment into the social room.

She returned a moment later with a small cake with two lighted candles. Błażej could not be angry with them any longer, they only wanted to give him a nice surprise. He was extremely grateful to them for the care they gave him, acceptance, and a sense of belonging to a certain place.

They managed to occupy him for an hour and a half, the manager informed Krystian as soon as Błażej left, wishing that everything would go well. Meanwhile, the first year didn't know what to do with himself, so he went to the nearest park and sat on a bench, staring at the fountain that had not yet started.

The pattern of the tiles that lined it reminded him of something, and once his brain had connected it with the appropriate memories, it began to tremble. He felt as if he was replaying the moment of his fall on the floor decorated in the same way two years earlier. He looked around uneasily as if searching for people around him who would look at him with the same contempt.

Panicked, he grabbed the phone, wondering who to turn to for help. Krystian and Monika were busy, he didn't want to disturb them, so his next impulse was to call Makary, hear his soothing voice, and reassure him that he was on his side. He dialled the number but hung up on the second ring, regretting his decision. He felt pitiful but tried to calm himself down.
He stared at the display for a long moment when Makary called back, took a deep breath, and answered. But he couldn't get the words right out of him.

"Błażej, are you okay? asked the concerned hazel-eye.

"I don't know," he replied after a moment, leaning against the bench. "I may have been attacked by some unpleasant memories."

"Can I help you somehow?"

"Would you have a moment to meet? I would like to see you."

Błażej himself was surprised how easy it was to express this sincere request to him, he really dreamed of nothing else. He wanted to see him, to hold his hand knowing that what they both felt was real. He knew it in his heart, he couldn't admit it yet.

"How about we meet at your place in half an hour? I don't think you want to go to town either," Makary suggested.

"No." Błażej smiled softly. "But I wouldn't refuse the hot cocoa, you make."

"You have it coming," the hazel-eyed one laughed. "See you soon."

"Yes. See you."

Błażej sighed again and looked at the fountain, thinking to himself that some stupid tile pattern would not rule his life. He clenched his fists, that was his resolve, and he was going to implement it slowly. He got up and started walking towards home, towards new hopes and what he was unaware of was the enormity of love of his loved ones that was waiting for him there.

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