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The first year thought for a long time about what to do. On the one hand, he wanted to follow his friend's advice, but courage didn't come just like that. He was afraid it was just too beautiful a dream, that it would end up being some stupid joke like it used to be. He closed his eyes and chased away the unpleasant memories. After all, Makary had been nice to him when they drank coffee. Yet he questioned everything, even his own willingness to relate to anyone. Sometimes he thought about it, but he was always looking for an excuse in the form of study or work, and preferably both. One thing he knew for sure was that he didn't want to be alone for the rest of his life.

Before going to bed, he was still reading a book for class, and when he looked at his watch, he realized that it would soon be midnight and Makary would finish work. Again he scolded himself for his stupidity with that first photo and reproached himself for not making a funny comment about it. However, deep down he wanted to send another photo, to show that he, too, could be cool and valuable. Who am I kidding?, thought Błażej and put the book on his face, inhaling its characteristic smell. He reached blindly for the phone and slid the book down a bit so that only his eyes were visible. He snapped the photo and put the prop away, wondering what to add to the message.

He had learned many things about Makary from their earlier conversations, and he wanted more. More information meant easier planning and predicting the future, but you can't do that with a human relationship. He scratched his head and checked his planner, he was going to drive downtown anyway, and then he had a long break before evening classes. He took a few deep breaths and wrote, I have to be downtown tomorrow. Maybe you'd like a coffee, this time I invite you for a series of three random meetings. If you refuse, we'll at least be even.

Błażej did not sleep peacefully that night, nor did Makary, who did not look at the phone until he returned home. He put the device in his bag on purpose so as not to see the screen. He only dared to do so when he lay down and smiled broadly. He did not think that Błażej would agree to send him another photo, and it was so cute. He reiterated that first-year eyes were like chocolate, and focused his attention on the title of the book. It didn't tell him anything, except that it might be the textbook they used to torture students at the beginning. Ethnology, ha, he thought, and only then did he realize he had also received a message.

His first impulse was to write back immediately, asking where and what time, but something held him back. First thing, the memory of Błażej's first refusal, Makary got scared that maybe that's what he wanted. After a while, however, he decided that it wasn't that and instead tried to count their chance encounters and missed one. He couldn't sleep because of it, so after a few hours, half awake, he wrote back, I'd love to! I just can't count these meetings. First at the gallery, then at your work, then again when I handed in the mascot. I didn't know if you'd be at work then, so it was a coincidence that you were on shift at the time. Let's just say we made that coffee recently. And the second series? I only remember the bar and the elevator. After that, he could finally fall asleep.

Błażej ate breakfast calmly and looked over the schedule of the week. Planning gave him a sense of control over life, which is why he never parted with his planner and calendar in one. He was glad that Makary wanted to meet him, but at the same time, it filled him with fear, because it became a reality where he made an appointment with someone completely consciously. In the meantime, there was another chance encounter. At the fair, I saw you, but I wasn't brave enough to come over.

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