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Makary guessed that something was wrong when he saw a fierce expression on Błażej's face instead of a smile. He didn't miss the fact that he glanced with concern at the girl who accompanied him from time to time. Hazel-eyed couldn't deny that she was pretty and suspected that she might have just been interested in Błażej, so she was hanging out in the store, trying to get his attention. The first year could turn anyone's head, there was no doubt about that. He just wondered what they had in common that made him turn against him.

He waited impatiently for them to approach him, and he was tempted to grab Błażej in his arms and show him that he was his alone. He would love to get him as far away from the girl as possible. He was aware that he was overreacting and he definitely needed to work on it, but he was also afraid. He had had so many failed relationships, he felt happier than ever and he didn't want to lose it for anything.

"Hi," his beloved greeted him coldly. "This is Sylwia, Krystian's girlfriend if you need to be reminded. This is Makary, my boyfriend. Maybe you remember, but he helped Krystian when he panicked during Valentine's Day with cooking." Błażej introduced them to each other.

The first year sighed heavily when he realized that he was facing two introverts, neither of whom could utter a word. They only nodded to show that they accepted each other's presence and acknowledged the basic information about themselves.

Makary, although the oldest one, looked away, overwhelmed by remorse. He realized how uncomfortable this young girl must have felt because of him. He immediately wanted to apologize to her, but he couldn't bring himself to do it yet. He was happy when Błażej ordered him to return home and temporarily gave up trying to continue the conversation until he and Sylwia became sufficiently familiar.

When they reached the students' apartment, Błażej offered to make something warm to drink and sat the two shy people opposite each other. Sylwia practically didn't look up, while Makary searched his head for the right words.

"I'm sorry for my behaviour," he finally said. "I admit, I'm jealous of anyone who appears near Błażej, but I didn't want to make you sad. You definitely felt uncomfortable."

"Nothing happened," the girl whispered, shaking her head. "I understand that all too well." She smiled faintly. "I'm jealous of Krystian too. Compared to other girls, I'm so bland."

"I'll tell him that you think that way about yourself," Błażej interjected, placing a cup of tea in front of her and a plate with cookies on the table. "He doesn't see the world outside of you, so you don't have to worry about anything. Likewise, you," he turned to Makary, this time with a warm, somewhat understanding smile.

"You also used to be jealous," the hazel-eyed man defended himself.

"At least I have a good reason to be so," Błażej replied, unmoved by the accusation, and took a sip of coffee. "Besides, then I don't make people feel uncomfortable."

Makary was already preparing for another counterattack when Sylwia laughed gently, watching their round of banter just getting started. She silently admitted that Krystian was right, that this couple was extremely charming and interesting to watch. Even though she was starting to feel somewhat at ease, she would rather have her boyfriend come back.

It took him another good half an hour. Krystian ran into the apartment, out of breath and worried about Sylwia's well-being, whom he had to leave in the care of someone else. He realized how bad I felt in the presence of new people. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Błażej and Makary were keeping her company and that she didn't look too stressed. He walked up to her and kissed the top of her head, now he could put his mind in peace.

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