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Makary expected Błażej to return to his studies immediately after dinner and a shower. He was surprised to see him sitting on the couch with a movie of his choice, some light comedy. He was waiting for him, still looking through the phone. Makary ran his hand through his still-wet hair and sat down next to him.

"End of study?"

"I've already repeated it all. The exam is at noon, so tomorrow morning I should have enough time to go over everything again," Błażej replied, avoiding his curious gaze.

"Ah, so what do you want for breakfast then?"

"Something delicious." Błażej blushed, feeling the other man's expectant gaze on him. "Everything that is made by you is delicious, so what will be the least labour-intensive for you? Can we start watching now?" he changed the subject.

"There is one problem," Makary announced in a serious tone, but grateful for the compliment.

"Did I choose the wrong movie? I'll find something else right away."

"No, that's not the point. There's one more thing missing," he explained, and fetched two blankets from the bedroom, one for each of them. "I don't know if I've told you that I prefer watching movies lying down and I usually have the whole couch to myself."

Błażej looked at him distrustfully for a moment. There was no indication that behind the innocent smile that suddenly appeared on Makary's face, there was some evil intention. It was quite the opposite. The hazel-eyed man had a plan he managed to implement when his beloved proposed putting his head on his legs so that he would not have to change his habits. Makary tried to hide his winning smile, but then he thought that it might not be comfortable for Błażej, so he asked him to let him know immediately if something like this happened.

The first year himself didn't know what to expect. He was surprised at how strangely he reacted to such closeness. He didn't mind the weight of Makary's head or how he fidgeted sometimes. He felt so comfortable that after a while he stopped analyzing the whole situation and focused his attention on the film. Accustomed to holding a crochet hook or a cup of tea in his hand, at some point, he unconsciously slipped his fingers into the hazel-eyed's hair and started to play with them. He twisted more strands around his finger and let them out.

Makary's heart almost jumped out of his chest when he felt it, and now it was beating in an accelerated rhythm of happiness. He tried to remember when something like this had happened. If he ever had a chance to watch a movie with one of his exes like this, they either had a hand on his shoulder or stared at their phone screens instead of the TV. Although he didn't want it to end, he decided to ask Błażej about something he'd been worried about all afternoon. He didn't dare look at him, though, afraid of seeing the wrong reaction he was hoping for.

"Błażej, why did you change your mind about today?" Makary asked, first year was silent for a moment, withdrawing his hand. "I know we weren't meant to meet."

"Remember the time I asked you to tell me about your exes? Especially about the last one. You said, that even though you saw each other, you didn't really spend time together."

"I can't say I'd like to do it, but that's how I remember telling you about it."

"And remember how I told you at the very beginning that I didn't want to get involved in anything if I couldn't devote myself to it like one hundred percent?"

"I remember," replied Makary, wondering what Błażej was aiming at.

"I still think that and although I wasn't entirely sure if I should, I try to do it. I don't want to make the same mistake as my predecessors, much less let you down. Especially after those big declarations about giving one hundred percent. I thought it all over and decided that I can still study in the morning, and in the evening we'll be able to watch something and go to bed at a regular time," the first year finally choked out, staring blankly into space.

"You know that sometimes it was my fault, but I was a little silent when I told you about it. I've heard that I try too hard and demand too much, that I'm too possessive or boring and awfully clingy. Sometimes I saw in their eyes when they looked at me and their eyes said only "How pathetic he is"", Makary laughed nervously, trying to remember if he felt really happy in any relationship after the first phase of falling in love. "Apparently they were right, I have quite a few flaws."

"The fault is never that you care and try to show it," said Błażej and forced the hazel-eyed to look at him. "Never. Why do you think we are here and now? It is only through your efforts that I find the strength to reconcile everything, and to try to overcome my fear. I'm serious about you..."

"Really?" Makary smiled, touched by this confession.

"Yes," answered Błażej, looking him in the eye. "So much so that I didn't think I could be jealous of a kindergarten teacher."

"I knew it, it was clearly visible," the hazel-eyed man grabbed his beloved's hand and placed it on the inside gentle kiss. "I don't mind a little jealousy."

Błażej, who had been looking him straight in the eye just a moment ago, turned red all over and tried to pretend that he was drawn back into the plot of the film.

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