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The men were a bit embarrassed by this too-intimate moment for the rest of the way, trying to cool down. Błażej began to have doubts about whether he really wanted anything more, but these thoughts were quickly interrupted by the sight of light decorations that announced that they were approaching their destination.

Makary was surprised when the first year suddenly quickened his pace, regardless of the crowd of people already gathered in the square. He hoped that due to the middle of the week, the fair would have fewer visitors. He took unsteady steps, hunched over as if that would help him become invisible. For a moment he lost sight of Błażej and was afraid that they had lost each other. The next few steps got smaller and smaller until he finally stopped, not knowing what to do with himself. Being nudged by more people and watching their unfriendly reactions and hearing unpleasant comments that he was blocking the road, he felt even worse.

He hated crowded places, they made him anxious and stressed. Had he been here with someone or a close friend, he would have done quite well, but for the moment there was no one like that around. Meanwhile, Błażej carried away with enthusiasm and convinced that Makary was right next to him, wanted to show him something, but realized that he was not there. He frowned in worry and began to walk back, ruthlessly pushing his way through the whining crowd. He looked for the tall figure of his companion and found him trying to get to a part of the square where there were fewer people.

"Did something happen?" the first year asked uncertainly, watching Makary sigh with relief when he saw him and force a polite smile.

"I don't like crowded places," replied the hazel-eyed man. "Just give me a moment to get myself together."

Błażej looked at him for a moment and remembered how often he had noticed a change in Makary's personality. How confident he could be in his apartment, or when they were alone, but suddenly he became withdrawn and scared when they went out somewhere or even walked down a busy street. It occurred to him that something must be up and he smiled apologetically toward Makary.

"We can go somewhere else," Błażej suggested.

"No," replied the older one immediately. "We can continue. You wanted to come here so badly."

"But I'm more concerned that you don't have to feel uncomfortable," the first year replied firmly.

"No, I'll be fine as long as I'm near you."

"Are you sure?" Błażej asked worriedly.

Makary nodded and moved forward, urging his love interest. Błażej wasn't entirely sure if this was a good idea. Therefore, although he was tempted to go to every single stand to carefully examine their offer, he restrained himself from walking around the market as quickly as possible and let Makary breathe a sigh of relief.

"I wanted to show you those ornaments and ask which one is the prettiest," Błażej broke out, however, at the stand where he realized that he was alone.

"Really?" asked the surprised Makary. "I kept thinking if you wouldn't rather come here with someone else."

"And so I would come with Monika and Tymek, I have already promised them," Błażej replied, involuntarily heading towards another stand, which suddenly caught his attention. "But I wanted to come here with you. I see you're a bit uneasy. I'll just take a look around here and then why don't we go get some hot chocolate?"

Makary was furious with himself that he could not cope with his own weaknesses and approached Błażej to at least see what interested him. The stand offered jewelry, especially a wide selection of bracelets made of various stones. Hazel-eyed didn't miss when his companion pulled out his phone. Using his height advantage, he couldn't resist the temptation to look at the screen. He noticed that Błażej had a list of Christmas gifts, which he was just completing. He grinned widely as he noticed his name spelled out as well, still with a question mark. He walked over to the stand next to it offering chocolate-covered fruit. He bought one apple each for himself and Błażej. The first year got into a conversation with the woman running the stand and again that evening he didn't notice Makary's disappearance, even more, surprised when he received a treat from him.

"Come on, let's stay a little longer. You haven't seen all the stands yet..."


"Do not worry about me." Makary smiled happily. "I'll focus on eating, and your happiness will make up for the rest."

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