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Everyone returned to Błażej and Krystian's apartment in medium moods, of course, they were happy that Basia was found quickly and did not look like she had experienced any damage to her health. However, the overheard conversation definitely saddened them.

Monika let Tymek sleep in the car and announced that she would take him home and that she would come tomorrow to pick up her things and help clean up a bit. She also offered to take care of her little cousin and spend the night at her place. When she told the girl about it, she protested.

"I want to stay with Błażej, I don't know when I will be able to see him again," said Basia, hoping that her brother would agree.

"Okay," replied Monika, surprised. "Wait a minute in the car. Basia wants to stay with you," she turned to her cousin, who still couldn't stop worrying. "Let her take a hot shower and go to bed soon so she doesn't catch a cold."

Błażej nodded his head as a sign that he understood the command, but he couldn't look anyone in the eye, especially Makary's eyes, who was standing some distance from them and was planning to say goodbye soon. Monika and Krystian looked at each other and sighed quietly, this day was supposed to be successful, but in the meantime, it could lead to a disaster. They were both afraid that if either of them left without a word, it would be a crack that couldn't be patched. Błażej has already taken Basia to the apartment to carry out his cousin's order as soon as possible.

"Monika, do you think you'll be able to let me sleep at your place tonight?" Krystian asked loudly when he noticed that Makary was approaching them to say goodbye at least to them.

"Sure," replied the surprised woman. "If you don't mind sleeping on an uncomfortable little couch."

"Of course not," he laughed and approached Makary before he could speak. "It seems to me that out of all of us, Błażej needs you the most today."

"I wish he would remember sometimes that he has our full support, no matter what happens. Talk," Monika added when she understood what Krystian had planned.

"We'll see," Makary replied and with a heavy step headed towards the door.

He wasn't sure he had the strength to handle it for both of them. For the first time, he seriously doubted the strength of his feelings, and above all, the sincerity of Błażej's heart. He never thought it would hurt so much to let go of his hand. He believed that it was a particularly important part of their relationship that gave them so much mutual support that suddenly stopped counting. That's why he stood for a long time before the door, hesitating whether to come in.

However, he shook himself off after a while, after all, a relationship is also full of obstacles and ruts, it is never a straight, smooth road. How many times, when things got too difficult, his partners ran away and he got tired of fighting the wheel alone? They have to face it this time, Błażej knew about it, but was he ready to fight for his own happiness?

Makary entered the apartment quietly and looked around. Błażej was in his room waiting for Basia to fall asleep, worried about her health. Hazel-eyed decided to wait at the table, trying not to let his negative thoughts consume him. After a while, the first year came out of his room and was surprised to see him, he was greatly relieved, but he wasn't sure what he should do. Makary got up and waited for his move, he took an open stance, ready to react.

Błażej suddenly felt heavy, suddenly overwhelmed by all emotions, he realized what he had done and regretted it very much. He knew that he might find solace not far away, in the arms of the man standing before him. He was afraid that he might lose it, that giving in to fear this time was too much even for Makary's patience. He took one step, then another, and threw himself into the arms, no longer doubting his love. He began to cry, grateful that he had not been rejected but encased in a tender embrace.

"I'm sorry," Błażej whispered. "I'm sorry I'm not strong enough."

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