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Makary didn't think that after the meaningful conversation, they had that evening already, the first year would want to continue it. What pleased him the most was that Błażej was actually drawn back into the film and was playing with his hair again. This is what he always wanted, to feel someone really next to him and who cares only about him, even for a moment. That's how he felt when he was with Błażej.

"Makary, sometimes I wonder and worry at the same time," Błażej suddenly replied in a serious tone. The hazel-eyed turned to him, letting him know he was ready to listen. "I don't know how much longer it will take, weeks, months, maybe years to say I'm ready for a serious relationship. I wish I could specify it so you wait for nothing, but I can't... I don't want you wasting your time on me."

"And what if I want it," replied Makary. "Sometimes my patience is tested, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm willing to wait as long as you need."

"But you didn't have to be so careful with anyone like that," Błażej replied, trying to get his way. "You probably had better dynamics and pace in your previous relationships, and..."

He stopped seeing how Makary tried unsuccessfully to refrain from laughing. The first year looked offended and turned the other way. The hazel-eyed was sometimes amused by his childish behaviour, but at the same time, it added to his charm. He felt honoured that he, as one of the few, could probably see this side of Błażej, when for others he is simply a well-organized person whom they can always rely on. He got up and stared in awe at the embarrassed beloved one.

"Even. I like our own pace," he replied with a smile, Błażej gave him a quick look, expecting an explanation. "You know that over time in a relationship, certain things become so obvious and normal that you feel like there's no feeling in it anymore. Thanks to the fact that I know how much each little step means to you, I'm starting to appreciate it myself. I still feel like when we hold hands, it's still something special, like the first time we did it. I would like it to last as long as possible." He suddenly brought his face closer to Błażej, making him blush even more. "Why you brought this up? Would you like to speed things up a bit?"

"No!" the first year denied vehemently. "It's fine the way it is."

"I'm just teasing, but I really meant it," Makary laughed. "Do not be angry."

"I'm going to seek revenge so that you blush like that..."

"Are you sure? I'm not completely innocent, you know how many times I wanted to kiss you, how many times I dreamed we were closer than you think..."

"I also often dream of you," replied Błażej, still avoiding Makary's gaze, but unable to bring himself to move away from him. Especially when he felt his warm breath against his ear. He wanted his closeness, but he didn't dare ask for it.

"Oh yeah. And what am I doing there? I'm smiling charmingly, am I already performing without clothes?" he whispered.


Błażej couldn't take the tension anymore and ordered that it was time to go to sleep. He hadn't expected the direction the conversation would take when he decided to share his concerns. Makary pretended that he was absolutely unaffected by it as he fought against his wildly beating heart. He knew he exaggerated sometimes, but he thought the first year looked too cute when he blushed and couldn't help but take advantage of it.

"By the way," he added. "I have never kissed, much less slept with, anyone on the first date. I don't want you to think badly of me."

"Are you trying to play innocent after what you just put down?" Błażej laughed, knowing that he would never admit that he liked it. He added in a serious tone, "Now I'm wondering if I shouldn't sleep on the couch."

"Don't do it," said saddened and scared Makary. "I'll be good now. You set the conditions."

"Only one," replied Błażej. "Can we sleep holding hands as we did then?"

"You don't even have to ask." Makary smiled happily.

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