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For another week, Makary was unable to decide what to do with it. He would come home, eat something and then stare at the embarrassing mascot for hours. On the one hand, he had remorse that it was with him, and that boy who lost her must have experienced sadness. He knew what it was like because he had watched his nephews lose their favorite cuddly toys and it had never been an easy time for the whole family.

On the other hand, the only way for the mascot to return to its owner was to give it back to Tymek's uncle, to whom Makary had made himself fool already and he did not want to do it again. But the only way was through the store, where he promised himself that he would not show up again.

The situation finally resolved itself when Mirek asked if he would be with him again when he visited a local fish farmer who would deliver products to their family restaurant. Makary then decided that fate wanted him to be there again. If he is there, he will hand him the mascot, if he does not ask one of his friends to pass it on to him. For the sake of that boy, he decided. He certainly misses his toy. So he encouraged himself, nervously clutching the gift bag in which he hid the mascot.

Mirek was a bit worried about his brother's behavior. He didn't want to upset Makary with questions about the package he kept on the way. But he did know him, and he knew it was something important that almost drives him to a heart attack simultaneously. The older brother was overprotective, which should have faded a bit since Makary had grown up a long time ago. Unfortunately, neither he nor Maciek, the eldest brother, somehow could not forget this role. The older ones, always more outspoken, defended the youngest, who often had trouble expressing his opinion, let alone standing up to someone. Mirek knew how problematic relations with other people were for Makary and he just didn't want him to suffer. Therefore, he reluctantly stayed in the car in the parking lot in front of the store, which was what his brother asked him to do.

As Makary headed for the entrance, he kept telling himself why he was doing it, hoping that he wouldn't stay at work. The store was crowded and it definitely made him even more nervous. He quickly looked for the first person on the shop assistants.

"Sorry," he said timidly his voice trembling.

"Yes," said the busy woman.

"There is such a young man working here, I would like to tell him something..."

"You mean Błażej? I think I saw him come. Wait, I'll call him," the employee said quickly, and she started walking towards the break room.

Makary took a deep breath, trying not to get too excited about knowing the stranger's name. He remembered that he was only giving back the toy and disappearing once and for all. Błażej came up to him with a brisk step, although his face was tired.

"I heard you were looking for me," he said, signaling at the same time that he was in a hurry.

"Yes," said Makary softly, and held out his hand with the package. "I think it belongs to Tymek, if I remember correctly. I'm sorry it turned out that way."

Błażej was surprised and irritated, not knowing what the matter was. He looked inside and sighed with relief.

"Kotozaur," he said happily. "Tymek will be happy that he was found, and my cousin will finally stop threatening me with death for letting him lose it. Thank you." Błażej smiled broadly. "But how?"

"I picked it up then," said Makary, his voice still trembling, and he hid his hands behind him, trying to hide his nervousness with that. "I wanted to call after you and give it back, but my brother spoke to me and I absentmindedly put the toy into my coat. Now I found it so ...

"But how did you know it was me?" asked Błażej.

"Last week I was here by accident and...

Błażej suddenly dawned on and he connected the facts, he realized that the client from last week, for whom he was a bit unkind, and the man Tymek ran into at the shopping center were the same person standing in front of him. So he thanked him once more and was about to say goodbye when the finder of Kotozaur suddenly made a fierce face and began to speak.

"It's like our third chance meeting because I did not know that I would find you here, and as they say three meetings in a short time is a sign to meet for coffee. I would like to reward the fact that the mascot stayed with me for so long and probably Tymek suffered a lot because of its disappearance," Makary fell into a nervous talk, wanting to emphasize his good intentions.


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