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Makary had never been to a haberdashery before, and wouldn't even know where to go if he needed something from its assortment. However, Błażej's eyes shone with excitement, because this place was huge compared to the one in his hometown. The first year stood in front of a wall filled with yarn and imagined what he could do with certain colors he hadn't had the chance to buy before. Of course, he had the Internet, but when it comes to material, he preferred to touch it and see it live.

The saleswoman, a lovely old lady, noticed a strange couple, a tall young man who looked around uncertainly and his companion, who looked as if he was in his own world. She decided to approach Makary and politely ask if I needed help. He did not take his eyes off Błażej, which is why he was a bit scared when he heard a woman's voice directed toward him.

"No. Just...," he hesitated for a moment, not knowing how to properly describe Błażej. "A friend is looking for something," he finally replied.

"Oh." The old woman smiled and turned to the first-year student.

Makary followed her, listening to their exchange of words. Błażej denied that he was interested in buying the yarn, which he was staring at with such delight. The boy maintained that he was only looking for a button. Hazel-eyed suddenly felt hot, so he told Błażej that he would wait for him outside.

He was getting a little impatient when he thought buying buttons shouldn't take so long. He wondered why he suddenly needed to go outside when he realized he was suddenly angry. It wasn't aimed at anyone in particular, maybe a bit at Błażej's classmates. However, as he looked at him, with the first year's chocolate eyes shining so brightly while he was in that store, he felt frustrated that he hadn't had a chance to see this for himself until now. He realized that Błażej looked similar when he was talking to his friends or when he had dinner with him. However, Makary had the impression that he always tried to hide it from him in some way, as if he was ashamed of his feelings, but it didn't stop him from listening when he talked about food and cooking himself.

He shook his head a bit disappointed in himself when he thought that the sight of such Błażej only made him fall more in love, but at the same time, he was angry that he did not have this only for himself sometimes He also realized that he wished he would look at him with such awe, too, the way he looked at the first year when he couldn't see it. Makary, always praised for his appearance, suddenly felt insecure in his own skin, but he scolded himself for such thinking, after all so many times Błażej made him understand that he was handsome.

Błażej took advantage of his companion's absence to do more shopping, but he asked the saleswoman to put them away for him so that he could pick them up the next day. She asked what she used the yarn for, Błażej admitted the truth reluctantly, and he already knew that he would most likely become a regular customer.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of," the woman said with a smile when she saw his reaction. "And if you need anything, I'm always there, even if you need to talk for a while."

The young man left, pondering the words of the kind old woman. Shame? Yes, he thought to himself, I always feel it when I think about my hobby, even though it's something I love. He remembered when he was little and had to go to his aunt's for the weekend because there was no one to stay with him and his parents had to do something urgently. She was the one who showed him the magic that he fell in love with right away. The more he got into it, the more often he heard, especially among relatives, that he should find a more masculine occupation, not some crocheting. He was also ridiculed at school for this, so now that he found himself in a new environment, he preferred to hide it.

For now, it was enough for him that the Kotozaur he had made for Tymek was still his favorite toy. Monika and Krystian have also always shown interest in his projects, saying a lot of words with praise when he was sharing the effects of their work with them. He knew they were proud of him. Talking to his classmates made him feel appreciated and happy like never before when talking to someone else about his hobby. He looked at Makary, who was deep in thought. The moment when hazel-eyed would look at him with pride in his eyes would be one of the happiest in his life. However, the fear that had accompanied him for so many years dominated him. What if you look at me differently afterward? Will you make jokes? A mischievous smirk when I mention it?

Suddenly their eyes met, each with an unspoken request Let me know every aspect of you, Makary's, and Be proud of me, Błażej's. They both blushed and moved on, trying not to think about those few seconds when the whole world ceased to exist for them at that moment.

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