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The party passed in a nice atmosphere, Monika took a lot of board games with her, thanks to which the time passed even faster. It is true that Tymek is bad at some defeats, but his good mood quickly returns, late in the evening he was sleeping soundly, regardless of the bustle, talking and laughing.

Monika and Krystian, as usual, turned out to be last on the battlefield not letting the other win easily. Basia was fascinated by their competition, so Błażej and Makary decided to sneak out to the first-year's room for a moment. Hazel-eyed started to get nervous if he got the gift right, but Błażej's good surprised face suggested to him that he had nothing to do with his worry.

His beloved walked over to the bookcase, which was a gift in itself. Individual shelves were filled with smaller gifts, e.g. books and desk containers or coloured sticky notes, which he used in excess. Błażej turned to him with a smile and snuggled into him, letting himself be carried away by the feeling of euphoria. Makary didn't expect it, but he accepted the gesture with undisguised joy and hugged the first year even tighter. After a while, they pulled away from each other a bit, but they still didn't let go of each other's arms.

"Thank you for everything, but it's too much," said Błażej. "Definitely too much."

"But it is not everything." Makary nodded nervously, his further plans could fail, and he didn't want to spoil anything now.

"Don't be kidding," the first year laughed. "That's all." He nodded at the bookcase. "And that party is really enough. You don't even know how happy I am."

"Well, if you say so," replied Makary, a bit offended. "Two years ago, you had certain expectations for your birthday that someone didn't meet, I just wanted to fix it."

Błażej considered his words for a moment and after a while it dawned on him what the hazel-eyed man was talking about. He snuggled into him again, trying to hide the blush that immediately appeared on his cheeks. He didn't think his heart could beat even faster, and it seemed to him that he was already at full speed since he was in Makary's arms.

He wished he had more time to consider it calmly but knew he couldn't put it off indefinitely. He had to ask himself if he was ready and finally decided he was. After all, he had already come to terms with the fact that he was in love and remembered what he had decided only a few hours ago.

"If it's something intangible, I can still accept such a gift," he whispered softly, unsure of his words.

"However, you changed your mind," Makary laughed. "I was hoping that would happen. I waited a long time for this myself, but I had to be sure that you would want it."

Hazel-eyed gently lifted Błażej's chin, carefully observing his reactions. He noticed how panic seized him for a moment and gave him a moment, ready to abandon the long-awaited kiss at any moment, just to give him a sense of comfort and security.

The first year did feel threatened at the moment, but then he realized that his family and friend were nearby. There is no one here to catch his humiliation. And Makary has already proved more than once that his feelings are sincere. He chuckled to himself at his feelings, fear mixed with confidence to carry out his resolutions. He knew there was nothing to be afraid of anymore. After all, he wanted to experience it. He smiled shyly, giving Makary permission to continue.

They were only a few inches apart when the door swung open.

"Błażej, I'm tired, can I lie down somewhere?" said Baśka, going inside.

The surprised looks of the siblings met, and Błażej's heart almost broke when the sister's face immediately began to express one thing: "Parents were right about you." The girl rushed to run away and in a moment all that could be heard was the slamming of the door.

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