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Błażej could not disagree. He knew that Monika was missing her other half and since Tymek was born she had not seriously thought about dating. However, she always spoke positively about her boss, and that she liked him very much, but never implied that also in a romantic context. The first year wanted the best for his relative but was concerned that it was a good idea for her to make such a connection in the workplace. He was afraid that it might make her life there difficult, or at worst, she could lose it.

He just wondered if the fact that this dinner was supposed to take place on Valentine's Day was a coincidence or a planned endeavour. Monika was worried that he wouldn't have any plans with Makary. Neither of them had the courage to finally talk about it. After all, they weren't a couple, they were just dating, and they didn't feel confident enough to assume that they should spend the day together in any special way.

Błażej, however, seeing how everything around him reminds him of it, decided to buy Makary a small gift for this occasion. However, it was difficult to find something neutral, or at least safe enough for the first months of our acquaintance. He also bought chocolates and tried not to go crazy with Krystian, who was preparing a surprise for Sylwia. According to him, the friend was definitely exaggerating and could only scare the girl. He hadn't met her yet, so he didn't want to assume for sure that this might actually happen.

In this way, both Makary and Błażej became free babysitters that day. They didn't mention it to each other, so they were surprised when they saw each other at the entrance to the kindergarten, which happened to be attended by both Antek and Tymek.

"You were also framed in care," Błażej laughed and smiled, at which Makary tried not to blush.

"That's how it turned out," the hazel-eyed replied. "We did not assume that we would meet today, so I agreed to take care of the kids so that Mirek and Kornelia could go out for dinner."

"Monika asked me the same," replied Błażej. "I hope she's having fun."

"But I should have the evening off, so if you'd like, why don't you drop by? I'll cook something! You can stay overnight as well."

"I should study, I have my last exam tomorrow." The first year looked away because he knew that it would be even harder to say no to him.

"Yes, I remember," Makary replied sadly and put his clenched fists into his coat pocket.

Hazel-eyed didn't want to show how saddened he was by the refusal. He hoped that since they had already met here, he could invite him. However, he was afraid that Błażej would again lead to a bad condition, especially since he had been trying to pay equal attention to him and his friend since the beginning of the year. They had only met three times since then, but they wrote to each other all the time.

One of the preschool caregivers just came out of the room and looked at Makary with delight, as he always looked great. She was surprised that he apparently knew Tymek's uncle. She was young and lonely, so she was happy when the child was picked up by someone who was not their parent and whom she could keep an eye on.

"And where are the parents, do they have days off?" The young woman laughed, focusing all her attention on the older man.

"It so happened," Makary replied politely and glanced at Błażej.

The first year tried to pretend that he didn't notice how delighted the woman was staring at his companion and continued the conversation with him. What else had he expected when he had such an effect on everyone? Why is he even hanging out with me, he asked himself again. Then he remembered what they had talked about when he had taken care of him during his illness and quickly pushed those thoughts away. But he pursed his lips. Is it jealousy? Really, Błażej, really?

"Can you go get the boys? I still have to go with Antek to get his sister," Makary asked, not wanting Błażej to feel uncomfortable any longer. Still, he enjoyed the presence of that slight envy.

"Of course," the woman replied reluctantly and returned to the room.

"I'll think about the evening," Błażej suddenly burst out under the influence of emotions. "I'll just call Monica later and let you know. You won't mind if I study a little at your place if I haven't finished with the revision by then."

"Of course not," replied Makary happily. "I can't wait for tonight then."

In the meantime, the kindergarten teacher brought the boys, who looked at the men receiving them, and then back at each other.

"The toy thief!" Tymek exclaimed, pointing at Makary.

"Uncle's prince!" At the same time, Antek pointed his finger at Błażej.

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