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The decision was quickly made. Błażej carefully got into the car with a small travel cage in his hands. Makary looked at him from time to time, smiling tenderly.

"Did you have any animals at home?"

"Unfortunately," Błażej replied with a sigh. "My mother is allergic to fur and generally doesn't like animals. This was the hardest thing for Basia to understand, she always wanted a dog or a cat."

"So you have no idea how difficult it is when you have to choose a name," Makary laughed.

"Do you have any idea?"

"I'd rather rely on you."

"Really?" Błażej was surprised.

The new pet was supposed to be his beloved's property, so he didn't suspect that he would have much to say about it. Despite everything, he already felt attached to the little defenceless creature that rode on his lap.

"Well, it was finally obvious who this parrot liked more."

"Do you think Nemo will accept him?"

"I hope." Makary's voice, however, was not full of confidence. "He was alone until now, and I spoiled him terribly."

They rode in silence for a while, each lost in their own thoughts. Błażej wondered what name would suit the parrot, and Makary tried to predict his pet's reaction.

"What do you think about calling him Zefir?"

"I like it, let it be Zefir." Makary stretched out his hand and gently took Błażej's hand.

"Focus on driving," his beloved admonished him jokingly.

Nemo wondered where the people had gone. His beloved owner warned him that they would probably return with a surprise for him. But he couldn't think of what it could be, he wasn't missing anything. For this reason, he was surprised when he saw that they were carrying another parrot towards him.

First, there was shock and then came anger. Nemo thought that this bird had come to their house to replace him. He was afraid that he had done something wrong and his owner stopped loving him. It started chirping furiously and flapping its wings.

Makary and Błażej looked at each other and felt that this did not bode well. However, the hazel-eyed man decided to try to let them get to know each other. He put Zefir in a cage and spoke in a calm tone to Nemo, explaining to him that he was his new friend. Makary's first parrot couldn't believe it, but since the second one immediately hid in the corner of the cage, he decided to observe him for now.

Zefir was afraid that no one would accept him here either and he didn't move from his place until the next morning. He only perked up a little when Błażej approached the cage to check how he was doing. Nemo found that, at least for the moment, his position was not in danger. However, he had no intention of trusting the newly arrived inhabitant of the cage.

"What will you do if there is aggression between them?"

"If necessary, I will separate them. There is a smaller cage at the parents' house, they will be apart but somewhere close to each other, so maybe they will get used to it and start accepting each other," replied Makary, placing his hand tenderly on Błażej's head, stroking him soothingly. He could see how worried she was about the whole situation. "Now you'll probably come to see Zefir more often than me."

"Will you be jealous of him too?" Błażej rolled his eyes.

"Possibly," replied the hazel-eyed man feisty. "Unless you decide to make it up to me somehow."

Błażej shook his head in amusement and kissed him.

"Will it be enough?" he asked, to which Makary firmly denied. "Your expectations are too high," he accused him jokingly.

"Well, let's say that's enough for a start."

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