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Błażej could not concentrate and only counted the hours until the next meeting with Makary while being surprised at how much nerves it cost him. As if it was harder to see him, after the events of the last few dozen hours than during the whole time they were meeting. He wondered if that meant they were a couple now, but no specific statements were made about it. Then maybe it would be a good idea to talk about it, he thought.

Makary's face lit up with a smile as soon as he heard the doorbell, he sensed that Błażej would come after all and hoped that he would choose to do so as soon as possible so that they could spend a little more time together. He was a bit surprised by the uncertainty that suddenly reappeared in his beloved's behaviour, and at the same time, he was charmed by it as always.

The first year greeted Nemo, who slowly began to tolerate him, but it was still far from acceptable. The parrot stopped biting and attacking him for no apparent reason but continued to ignore him and only interacted socially with his beloved master.

"You haven't let me know if you're finally coming, but maybe I can prepare something quickly to eat," said Makary, watching how Błażej nervously spins on the couch.

"I'm not hungry," the first year replied. "I'm getting too nervous because I want to talk to you about something."

"Should I start worrying?" asked the hazel-eyed one, sitting across from him, he didn't expect that.

"No." Błażej firmly shook his head. "I was just wondering if we're officially a couple now."

"You sounded so serious that for a moment I was afraid that it was about something more scary," Makary laughed, but then he became serious when he saw that it was an important issue for his beloved. He opened his arms wide, offering a hug, which the first year gladly accepted. "It's up to you, if you want it then I'll be happy, if you still need time to consider it official, I'll wait."

"No," denied Błażej, moving away a bit. "I want to go out with you, I want to be with you!" he said confidently.

Makary happily kissed the first year, this time he allowed himself not only to brush his lips gently but to deepen this gesture and increase its intensity. Błażej was initially shocked after a while and began to kiss back, initially with anxiety and uncertainty, then with tenderness and growing desire. He was frightened by the last sensation and jumped away from Makary suddenly, huddling on the other end of the couch. He could feel his face burning and his heart beating much faster than it should, he was trembling terrified of his, after all, natural reactions.

"Sorry, I got a little carried away," Makary whispered and smiled apologetically. "But with a boyfriend like that, it was inevitable."

Błażej only shook his head in the negative but did not dare to look him in the eye, after all, he wanted it himself, and yet his own desires somehow terrified him. Again, he had trouble understanding what he expected. He felt that the combination of fear and curiosity was not the best solution for him right now.

Makary stood and stroked his head tenderly, wanting him to calm down. Błażej began to relax a bit, grateful for all the patience his beloved had for him. The hazel-eyed offered to make tea and they could watch another movie before bed. Błażej needed a moment, but as always he let Makarego put his head on his lap and started to play with his hair. The lying man smiled, so little was enough to be happy.

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