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Błażej was washing up after dinner, watched by Makary, who was wondering whether he wouldn't abuse his personal space too much, disturbing him a bit by hugging him. But he shook his head at himself, he knew he would get hit for disturbing him.

Besides, he was still learning to feel exactly how much he could afford. He was afraid that they would take a step back instead of moving forward, so he didn't want to risk overdoing it. However, he had the impression that Błażej was also eager for physical contact, which surprised him a bit, but at the same time made him happy. He'd be happy to find someone who didn't mind his insufferable tendency to be clingy.

Before going to bed, they decided to watch an episode of the series they had started together, and luckily neither of them was tempted to continue watching it alone. As always, Makary put his head on Błażej's lap and focused on the TV, but halfway through the episode he noticed that it was too quiet. He turned around and saw that his lover's head was just falling and rising as he tried to fight sleep. He sighed softly and stood up carefully so as not to wake him. He turned everything off so as not to give him any arguments for discussion and only then tried to get him to go to bed.

"We haven't finished the episode yet," Błażej muttered sleepily. "I can do it, I just got a little sleepy."

"We can watch it another time, you're tired and you're going to work tomorrow, too," Makary convinced him and started pulling him towards the bedroom.

"But I do not want..."

"I don't want this day to end either, but we need to rest."

"Okay," Błażej finally gave up and shuffled towards the bed.

"Besides, this is only our first date," said Makary, lying down next to her. "At least I hope so," he laughed politely.

"I just wanted it to be special," Błażej woke up for a moment.

"It was the best date of my life, no doubt about it." The hazel-eyed man placed his hand on his beloved's cheek, who looked at him with gratitude. The first-year's face was delicately illuminated by the moon, only emphasizing Błażej's unique, undefined charm. "But I have to admit something to you."

"I already know you knew everything before and it wasn't a surprise, so what's the deal?" There was worry in the younger man's voice.

"I was a little angry, especially after our initial plans for the week changed drastically. But when I found out why and figured out that you took more hours at work during the week to get some more for today, I felt really bad. You know how my relationships usually ended, and they usually started with this. Changes in plans, cancellation of meetings and so on," Makary sighed quietly. "I was scared that this was already happening to us at the very beginning, and somewhere deep in my heart I doubted the sincerity of your feelings. I'm sorry I even thought that."

"Don't worry about it," Błażej replied calmly. "I understand why you felt that way, so thank you for telling me. I hope this will change someday."

Makary's heart felt heavy, he was happy that he had admitted it and he was relieved to see how calmly his beloved reacted. He promised himself that he would never let such a situation happen again and he could only look forward to each next hour they would spend together.

"Yes, for example, if we live together," said Makary jokingly.

"I'm not surprised why the list of your exes is so long," Błażej huffed. "Since you mention such serious steps from the very beginning."

The first year snuggled into the hazel-eyed boy and closed his eyes. He didn't want his imagination to work too hard, stimulated by this casual statement. Everything was going too nicely for now, but... He remembered that just a moment earlier he had wanted to be so greedy, so why shouldn't he dream of a happy future together? He tightened his grip on Makary's shirt and clung to him even tighter.

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