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The longing was too strong and two days later they were talking to each other as if the misunderstanding had never happened. Błażej, however, was worried about the gift, or rather that he would not have time to prepare it.

He asked Makary about his parents' history. It turned out that they went to the same high school, but they didn't draw attention to each other until their final exams. They were seated next to each other and were among the few with elephant figurines that were supposed to bring them luck in exams, given to them by their worried families. They decided to exchange them, joking that it might double their luck. Since then, they have been inseparable, and these two inconspicuous elephants started their collection, which they proudly collected over the years and presented at home. Makary always liked to stare at it and fondly recalled the moments when he asked about the history of each specimen.

So Błażej decided to crochet two little elephants in the birthday celebrant's favourite colours. Even though these were small things, they required a lot of his time, which in turn worried Makary that he wasn't getting enough sleep. In addition, he rarely stays with him, completely devoting himself to the project and constantly struggling with the current material at the university.

Zefir was also worried about the lack of his presence and gradually began to open up to Nemo and the hazel-eyed man. However, he still felt most connected to Błażej and missed him. The older parrot convinced him that it was just a temporary situation and that she would start coming to him more often. Zefir wondered why he couldn't see him every day, where was the problem?

The long-awaited weekend also came, Makary finally announced that he would show up for dinner with Błażej and was glad that he managed to convince his beloved to spend the night at his place on Friday, even though he came back from work late. He left the keys with Monica, if the first year wanted to stay with him, he took him up on the offer, but first, he decided to spend some time with his cousin and her son. They ate dinner together and played board games, but in the evening they planned a trip to the cinema with Przemek and his daughter.

So the first-year went to his beloved's apartment, also grateful for the trust he had placed in him. He sighed heavily as he put his things away, he knew the work wasn't over. Not knowing how the rest of the weekend would go, he preferred to work on the few things he had planned for Monday to avoid having to do them at the last minute on Sunday and not stress about them.

But first, he decided to spend some time with the parrots. Nemo eagerly spread his wings, and Zefir landed on his shoulder and did not want to leave this place. So he looked at Błażej's hands and did not understand why he was turning the pages of the book and writing down the information.

He tried not to disturb it, but the rustling of the paper was too tempting and he finally decided to see what it was. He tried to bite it too, but his pet's terrified expression confirmed his belief that he was doing it wrong. Błażej remembered a few videos and turned a blind eye to the young parrot's antics. He tore out one sheet of paper and Zefir could bite off pieces of it as he wished. He petted the pet, which chirped happily, happy that it had not alienated the human.

Makary returned shortly afterwards and found Błażej fully focused. He hugged him from behind and told him how much he missed him. The first year smiled and closed his eyes, enjoying the simple gesture.

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