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Despite everything, Makary still did not understand why he should be ashamed of his hobby, he wanted to ask about it, but Błażej, after a moment's break, started talking. But his voice was getting weaker and more hoarse.

"I inherited a lot of fabric from my aunt and at her funeral, I promised that I would make something beautiful out of them. Baśka's room decorations and Tymek's Kotozaur were made of this. When I asked him what he wanted, he couldn't decide if he preferred cats or dinosaurs, so I had to improvise. However, no one liked the passion that my aunt passed on to me, they thought that I should have a slightly more masculine occupation, play football, and even computer games seemed to be a better option. My parents were reluctant to buy me new materials, so I spent all the pocket money I had on it. It wasn't bad in itself, I quickly came to the conclusion that if I earn money myself, I can spend it on whatever I want."

Błażej shrugged and took a deep breath as if preparing to deliver the most important part. Makary wanted to show him his support somehow, but he felt that he had gone too far and it could backfire.

"They tried to dissuade me from it with teasing, and their remarks hurt much more than those at school. I wanted to brag about it, show what I was working on, ask for advice, and give everyone small gifts, but I couldn't stand disgusted looks from my peers and family that it was a woman's and outdated job, that I was only making myself a victim and a laughing stock. Only Monika and Krystian are up to date with the topic. That's why I try not to tell new people about it for as long as possible..."

Błażej burst into a terrible cough, Makary reacted violently and handed him a glass of water prepared earlier. When the brown-eyed man came to himself, he turned on the bedside lamp and looked at his guardian for a moment.

"You heard everything, didn't you?" he asked quietly, plopping back onto the bed and turning his back to him in embarrassment.

"Yes," Makary replied, smiling gently. "I don't think you have anything to be ashamed of. Every hobby practised with passion and love deserves recognition. I'm just sorry I don't deserve to be among the people who might know your lovely secret."

"Sorry." Błażej turned to him for a moment and covered half his face with a blanket.

"So you made the Christmas decorations you gave me too?"


"And you worked on them until the last minute?"

"Yes," confirmed Błażej, expecting a severe reprimand. "I also wanted to make a few for my classmates."

"So they also found out earlier," Makary was offended, thinking about the situation when he was waiting for him that one time.

"By a complete accident," the sick man replied in his defence.

"All right, but from now on, I want priority access to this information." Błażej laughed, remembering that he had already promised him something similar.

He asked if he even liked them. Makary honestly replied that yes, as well as his whole family, since they eventually hit the Christmas tree at his parents' house. Hazel-eyed watched as the face of his beloved beamed with an ever wider smile with each of his next words.

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