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Makary was a bit surprised by the spontaneity of the gesture, but he was glad, even if Błażej withdrew his hand after a while and looked at him with an apologetic look. Hazel-eyed went to do the washing up, to give the other man a moment to cool down and not torment him even more. He thought it was even funny at times when he overreacted to the smallest thing that happened between them that might have had a hint of romance in it.

He tried to remember his own first experiences, some of which weren't exactly pleasant, but he didn't want to go back to that. He knew, however, that he was usually overly annoyed by the indecisiveness of his partners. He didn't want to ask for declarations for life, but at least specific decisions when he asked about the state of their relationship. He still wasn't sure why things looked different with Błażej. Was it a premonition that the first year didn't expect it, or was it a fondness that had taken root in his heart and grew with each passing day?

When Makary came back to the room, Błażej was fiddling with something on his phone, so he sat down next to him and started doing crosswords. He spent a lot of time on it, or other entertainment available in this way, such as sudoku or other puzzles.

"A group of people with a sense of common origin," the hazel-eyed said, unable to come up with what word could be hidden under this slogan.

"Try ethnos," answered Błażej, looking at him for a long time.

Makary counted the bars and happily nodded that this answer was correct. He smiled and whispered thanks to the first year for his help. After a while, however, he put the magazine down, seeing that Błażej clearly wants to ask something, but he is not sure if he should.

"What is it about?"

"I wonder," the brown-haired man began, propping himself up on one elbow. "How is it that you seem so confident and composed, and when we went out somewhere, suddenly it all disappeared."

"It's easy to see, isn't it?" Makary smiled to himself. "The truth is, I don't like being in crowds and outdoors. I'm comfortable in familiar places and with my family, but when dealing with others... I always feel like I'm being judged. I can't shake the fear of making a mistake or doing something stupid. My colleagues and when people get to know me, they assume right away that I'm sociable and feisty just because I have a pretty face. It annoys me how they are later convinced that I will only hang out with similar people to myself. Then I'm attracted to such people, and I don't even want to talk to them ... I won't say it hurt when I found out that you assumed that too."

"I'm sorry," replied Blaise. "I quickly found out that I was wrong. I just don't understand what you see in me." He fell back onto the bed.

"To be honest, you're not my standard type at all, but..."

"That's even more so," the first-year huffed.

"Would you let me finish first?" Makary tried to control his laughter, seeing the slightly offended face of his interlocutor. "I was also honest from the beginning that I wanted more. I don't know exactly what captivated me about you, but it happened during our first meeting in the mall. Maybe it's the colour of your eyes, like chocolate, which I love, maybe the warmth of your voice, your general charm." Błażej blushed more and more with each word he said. "What I like about you is that you're so hard-working and organized, that you're caring and talented, that I can rely on you when we go out. I could say a lot more, but I'll keep it a secret. Just thinking about you makes my heart beat faster..."

"Okay, that's enough," Błażej interrupted him. "I understood, you are the type of romantic who will write poems and tease with every occasion."

"I return the question," Makary suddenly became serious and stared at the first year. "Just don't make the first point with my handsome look. I've already heard it, it would be nice to hear that someone sees something more in me than my face and that I can cook well."

"Well, apart from the obvious facts about your merits, which you are undoubtedly aware of, as you mentioned a moment ago," the first year pretended to be making a serious scientific argument. "The change of character, after being in a different environment, could be considered charming. Many people find a strong attachment to family an unattractive trait, but in my opinion, the opposite is true. It is also worth mentioning having a pet that looks happy and well-groomed. Of course, in this case, we are also dealing with a basic range of features such as diligence, kindness or good manners, and gallantry. Although I was not going to refer to the issue of appearance, I must mention the unusual colour of the eyes of the individual referred to above. Are there any questions?"

"No, any more questions," Makary replied in an equally serious tone, but after a moment, they both burst out laughing.

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