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At the time when Makary was going to help the girls, Błażej was sitting on the school bus, heading to the same place. The goal of both of them was the fair, there was an event organized for students in the last year of high school. In several huge halls, universities from all over the country prepared their booths, wanting to encourage future students to choose their centers.

Błażej did not quite know which university and what direction he should choose, so he wanted to look around at the offers as best as possible. In addition, he was to meet there with a long-lost friend who moved abroad with his parents many years ago but decided to return to his home country to study. They planned to rent a flat together because what Błażej was sure of was the city where he was going to study. His cousin and Tymek also lived there, it was important to him. He wanted to be closer to them, help in taking care of the little one, and most of all, have the only person in the family who did not look at him as rubbish, whom they would eventually be able to get rid of.

The young man took off the headphones only to hear the teacher's announcement about what and where they should meet before going back. She asked them to move only around the fair because later they would come to the restaurant anyway if they got hungry and they could endure and not wander around the city arbitrarily. Błażej watched as students from his school gathered in a small group and set out to find inspiration for what to do next in life. The teacher looked at him for a moment and asked if he was okay.

"I'm waiting for a friend," the boy replied truthfully.

"If you say so," the woman muttered and shrugged, thinking that most of them were adults anyway.

Finally, Błażej was relieved to see his belated friend running up and hugging him tightly.

"Forgive me for being late, my uncle told me wrong how to get here. I could still check how the buses actually run and not take his word for it," said Krystian, and for a moment he was catching his breath.

"It's just that you are here," Błażej said with a smile, and he knew that with his best friend by his side, this day would simply be better.

Moving between exhibition stands, they share what has happened with them in the last few days, although they were in constant contact with each other, they lacked live conversations. They became friends with each other already in kindergarten and were mutual support for each other.

After a few hours, they collected quite a lot of leaflets and information on what they were interested in. Błażej simply preferred to wait the rest of the allotted time, but Krystian enlisted him to continue exploring. He was directing his steps towards the position where many girls were hanging out, he decided out of sheer curiosity to see why. He was surprised when Błażej asked him not to go there.

"What is it about?" Krystian asked in surprise.

"Remember when ..." Błażej started hesitantly, but his friend encouraged him to continue. "I told you how in the spring a guy gave me Tymek's mascot, the one we lost in the mall."

"The one who then kind of invited you for coffee as compensation?"

"Exactly this one," Błażej confirmed. "And that's exactly him, who is handing out leaflets."

"Are you kidding? Then go say hi." Krystian was already pushing him towards Makary, gathering strength to fight the crowd of girls.

"Are you crazy?!" Błażej refused him. "I feel stupid," the boy muttered and turned away. "Anyway, what would I say? Come on now."

Krystian allowed himself to be distracted, seeing that Błażej had a fierce and serious face at the same time. He didn't know what his friend was really about but decided to give him time to understand it himself and possibly share it with him later. Makary noticed some confusion on his right side, but he could not see exactly what or who had caused it, someone spoke to him immediately and he slowly dreamed of going home.

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