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"I hope you'll drop by," Makary remarked as he left the zoo. "I wouldn't want it to turn out that I had replenished my supply of ice cream unnecessarily."

"You know what arguments to use," Błażej laughed, although he was aware that they wouldn't gain much from this evening, since they both went to work in the morning.

Despite this, the first year was glad they still had a few hours to spend together. Makary was even more pleased about this, it often tormented him that, at the beginning of their relationship, he was so fixated on the fact that they didn't have enough time for each other. He thought about it and knew that Błażej cared, and life did not always allow him to act according to his plans. He decided that this time would be different, that he would appreciate the time spent together instead of wondering how much time they had wasted. This time he didn't want anything to get in his way.

He counted on Błażej's positive response and had already prepared a romantic dinner, hoping to positively surprise the first-year. He got up early before work on purpose to get everything ready and he was proud of himself. He started dating Błażej quite soon after breaking up with his last ex, but he always felt joy in his heart when he could make an effort for him. Yes, sometimes his patience was tested, but he always reminded himself that love should not be rushed and that a man like Błażej was worth waiting for and giving him as much time as he needed.

He was only afraid that Nemo would again have some reservations about the first-year's presence and would vent his anger unless he decided to show it with total ignorance. It was difficult for Makary, who loved his pet, to predict how the parrot would behave. He wanted him to like Błażej, or at least start to tolerate him and not abuse his parrot-like aggression towards him.

He didn't know that the parrot decided to give Błażej a chance that day. Nemo had seen the table settings and candles for a long time, which prompted him to give the one who had recently been spending the night at their place more and more a little credit. The winged midget loved Makary, but due to the difference in species and the inability to communicate, it was unable to convey its comments to him. He was just swinging on the swing when the men returned.

He pretended that he didn't care about their presence and nevertheless watched Błażej with some suspicion as he went to open the cage. He saw the uncertainty in the boy's eyes and was glad that he had managed to make such an impression on him. He stood calmly, waiting for the man to make a move. Błażej asked Makary if he could try to make friends with him somehow.

"Actually, he didn't get too many treats today," replied the owner and took a jar out of the cabinet. Nemo still pretended that he didn't care, he wasn't going to be bribed. "Try to have him sit on your finger, then carefully transfer him to your shoulder, and then offer him a treat."

"I don't know if I can trust him enough, he has already bitten me so many times," said Błażej sadly. "I didn't think gaining a parrot's trust would be such a challenge."

"I think Nemo is just very picky about people. He'll get used to you eventually." Makary smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

Błażej, as always, was surprised by the tender gesture and blushed. Nemo just sighed heavily and waited for the first year to place his finger under his feet carefully. He made him wait for a moment, then, with his beak raised proudly, gave him the honour. It only squealed when it missed the open door and the man almost made it hit its head against the cage. Nemo decided to forgive him since he sincerely apologized. With the greatest grace, the parrot jumped onto Błażej's shoulder and waited for the delicacies that Makary promised.

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