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Monika wasn't sure if she did the right thing. Both Krystian and Błażej persuaded her to agree to meet Przemek again. Yes, they expressed some concerns about him being her superior, but the young men hearing about him were almost certain that he was completely in love with their relative and friend. However, the young single mother was terrified of getting involved in the feeling that was slowly building up in her heart with increasing force.

She looked at Tymek, who was marching next to her through the shopping centre where she had arranged to meet a man. She saw a resemblance to herself in him, but the older the boy got, the more she noticed his father's features, at least in appearance. She loved her child more than life itself and sometimes regretted that she did not have a complete family. She didn't expect Błażej to replace his father in any way, but she was extremely grateful to him for what a wonderful uncle he was.

The boy's father was her first love. They went to the same class, there was an immediate spark between them and they quickly became a couple. Her friends loved to present them as the ideal of school love. Monika didn't want to disabuse them and at that time she didn't know how to admit how often they argued and were on the verge of breaking up almost every few months.

Monika, madly in love with him, was afraid that their relationship would not stand the test of time and that they would break up shortly after finishing school, especially since they had completely different views on what to do. Tymek's mother wanted to continue her studies at university, while her partner immediately wanted to go out on his own and would prefer his girlfriend to choose the same path.

Monika suspected that he simply thought that by going to college she would enjoy life, surround herself with guys, instead of studying, and he would not have enough control over her. She laughed to herself then, wondering if he didn't know her well enough to know that such a scenario didn't suit her at all.

However, she never pretended that Tymek was a planned child. At first, she was terrified, but with each subsequent kick the boy gave her, he gave her encouragement and strength. With each passing day, she wanted to welcome him into the world faster and faster, despite all the unfavourable glances that she hadn't even finished school, wasn't married, and was already pregnant. She learned to ignore it, the only thing that mattered was the little person growing inside her. However, she did not give up on her dreams and finished school with good results, then went to part-time studies and decided to be a single mother.

Tymek's father, overcome with fear, initially moved away from her. But then he decided to take on the responsibility of being a father, and at the same time, he felt a greater need to control Monika since she was carrying his child. She didn't like it and didn't hesitate to tell him about it, but he was disturbed by the reasonable demands she made of him.

He disappeared from her life after giving birth, explaining that he couldn't waste the opportunity for a good job abroad. Sometimes he remembered that he had a son and demanded that she let him meet him. She couldn't forbid him from doing so, but each time she promised herself that she would finally resolve the matter in court. However, she was ultimately unable to do so.

She and Błażej supported each other during difficult times. She was happy for him, but at times she envied him. She also wanted to fall in love again, even though she didn't know if she could afford it. Because of Tymek, because of her own fear of being with the wrong man again.

She was pulled out of her gloomy thoughts and memories by the soft but deep voice of Przemek, who welcomed her and gave her flowers. She smiled at him and accepted it gratefully. She introduced him to Tymek, who tried to hide behind her. She watched as her superior knelt down to the child's level and held out her hand with a friendly smile. The boy looked at his mother, she didn't force him to greet the man, she gave him a free choice. However, he extended his hand and returned the gesture. Monika's heart squeezed violently and she suddenly felt a surge of hope within her.

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