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Makary shuddered when he felt cold hands on his neck and looked regretfully at Błażej, who was amused by this harmless joke.

"It's a bit chilly in the evenings," the non-first-year student explained.

It was a matter of days when Błażej was to start his second year and Makary his last, which the latter was pleased about. However, it is not necessarily enough to write a thesis allowing him to obtain a master's degree. Still, he had an ambitious plan for the coming months, which he intended to implement step by step.

He could have done it earlier, the idea had been brewing in his head for many years, but he hadn't felt such support before. Yes, he knew that his family would always be on his side, but he also needed it from his other half. And Błażej assured him of this in gestures as simple as a smile. Makary didn't even have to ask what he thought about his ideas, he knew that whatever they were, he would have his full support and help.

"What are you doing?" the brown-eyed man asked, sitting next to his beloved with a cup of tea. The parrots became interested in what interesting drink he had prepared but were chased away. "It's too hot," Błażej muttered, shifting Zefir onto his shoulder. "Are you planning a renovation?" he was surprised, looking at what Makary was looking for on the Internet.

"No," replied Makary, wondering how best to put his plans into words.

"Well, I'm listening then. What are you up to?"

"I would like to use this year to prepare a decent business plan, so sometimes I look at the style of the place I would like to have and think about the details," replied Makary, putting away the computer. "Alternately with thoughts of you."

"Do you still have time for this?" Błażej laughed. "You never said what you were actually planning, but I believe you will definitely succeed. Just let me and your family help you sometimes."

"It would be perfect if the opening took place on my next birthday." The hazel-eyed boy dreamed and cuddled up to his beloved. Błażej started stroking his head with a smile on his face.

"We'll make sure of that."

They sat for a while, enjoying each other's presence after not seeing each other for two days. It seemed like an eternity to Makary, even though they were still in contact and their relationship had been going on for several months. However, he hoped that this beautiful phase of butterflies in the stomach would last as long as possible. He was happy and didn't want to lose it.

Meanwhile, Błażej was thinking about ways in which he could help Makary fulfil his dreams. He tried to remember every little detail he could even mention in passing. Lost in his thoughts, he didn't hear the brown-eyed man ask him how it was at work. He sighed softly before answering.

"Waves of older kids coming back from school to spend their pocket money or show off to their friends. Alternating with the younger ones and their parents, with tantrums because they didn't get something sweet. And that's how you know it, regulars," Błażej replied, shrugging his shoulders. "I'm glad that the academic year will start soon and although I love working with girls, I would be happy to spend a little less hours there. However, the faculty could kindly finally provide a class schedule."

"If only you had as much time for me as possible," Makary muttered. "I don't need to have you with me all the time, but I also don't like missing you more than I have to."

"Sometimes you have to take a break from me," Błażej laughed, although in his heart he also hoped for it.

"From you? Never."

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