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Nemo and Zefir were busy with their bird business, but the older parrot would occasionally glance at his beloved owner and the man he held in his arms and they were watching their second movie.

The animal was wondering when Błażej would finally live with them. He knew it was only a matter of time, and he heard Makary mention it often, even if it seemed to him that he was only talking to himself. However, his behaviour indicated that he wanted it very much, and when cleaning, he often wondered where he could put a place for his things. Sometimes he pretended he was already doing it.

Nemo hadn't seen it before, but he also didn't like any of the hazel-eyed man's previous partners. He liked Błażej so much that he would calmly accept his presence every day. Zefir would be even happier about this than he and probably Makary. He just wanted his master to be happy and not have to look for the right person for himself and not ever once again experience the disappointment that he was not the one.

Błażej began to fidget, wondering if now was the right time to say what he felt. Makary noticed the change and asked what was going on. Błażej straightened up, sat down cross-legged and took his beloved's hands in his. The hazel-eyed man was surprised and tried to read something on the first-year's face, especially since he was avoiding his eyes. He didn't want to think that he might give him some bad news, but the fear still showed up.

"Listen." Błażej took a deep breath. "I can't talk about my feelings as beautifully as you do, but I wanted to tell you how grateful I am to you for everything. I think the main reason is that you are so stubborn because I know that I couldn't muster the strength to fight for you and for your patience with me. There were probably moments when you were fed up with me."

"Not at all," protested Makary, increasingly fascinated by Błażej's confession. "Well, I admit that there were times when my patience was tested, but I never thought of backing out."

"I thought so." The first year smiled. "Thank you for this and for how much trouble you took to get to know me and understand that you wanted to do this at all. You let me overcome my fears at my own pace, you don't pressure me. You gave me a chance to meet your family, who accepted me. I am grateful for every day spent with you, indeed every hour and minute. I'm lucky that someone as perfect as you decided to commit to me."

"I am lucky that you gave me a chance, despite fear and doubts. And now I can tell you as many times as I want how much I love you." Makary announced and kissed Błażej, who stopped him after a while.

"At least let me tell you that I love you too." The first-year laughed, no longer concerned about his red cheeks and rapid breathing.

Makary suddenly jumped up, having made a decision he had been pondering over for some time. He handed his beloved a small box, which Błażej accepted with a small dose of uncertainty. Hazel-eyed encouraged him to open it, waiting for his reaction. The first year took out the key and looked at Makary questioningly.

"It's not like I'm suggesting that we move in together, but I thought it would be a little easier if you had your own key rather than, say, leaving mine at Monica's or somewhere." He explained, running his hand through his hair. "I'll wait until you're ready, but I want you to treat this place like your own. Nothing will make me happier than when I come back and find that the door is already open because you are already here."

Błażej smiled and wiped a single tear that appeared in the corner of his eye. He tightened his grip on the key and pressed his fist to his heart, wanting to show how much he appreciated it. He not only wanted to believe but also felt that it was slowly coming true, that Makary was becoming a person who meant home to him.

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