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The fate that decided to bring the two together boiled with anger and was offended for some time. Just over a year, exactly. Then he gave them another chance, although firstly, he wanted to make sure whether it was still worth investing time in them.

While there was no problem with Blażej because he realized the plan he had with Krystian, they rented a flat together, he found a quite comfortable job. He was able to get along quite freely with his boss about how much and when he wanted to work, which was especially important to him. He got into ethnology and was happy to develop his passions, although he sometimes felt accused of not choosing a direction that would provide him with a more stable professional and financial future. However, he had the support of a friend and cousin, so he decided to try to put dreams first.

Makary, however, could have been a bit of a problem, because in the meantime he found someone and fate was surprised that he did not wait for its decision. The Fate watched for some time how he got along with his partner. Makary was not entirely happy in this relationship, so Destiny was waiting for a good time to act. That day, the young man prepared dinner and wanted to spend some time with his beloved watching movies. He had prepared snacks and drinks in advance. He only required so much time to be devoted to him, and he had decided some time ago that this evening would be the final test. They had eaten dinner, and Makary was pleased with the compliments he had heard about the dish he had prepared, but he could not get distracted.

"So what, are we going for a walk and starting a movie marathon later?" he asked after he had washed the dishes.

"You know I can't stay," his boyfriend muttered, but he tried to reflect on compliments somehow. "But the dinner was delicious as always."

"Mhm," Makary said, clenching his fists in anger.

"What is it about?" asked his partner surprised by his behavior. He did not understand what it was, for him their relationship was extremely comfortable and reduced to pleasure without any particular commitment on his part.

"As usual, you don't have time for me," Makary finally exploded, although they had been dating for a little over half a year he managed to get emotionally involved and he simply cared about the world.

"We meet often," replied the other.

"But only for a moment, even when you stay overnight on weekends, in the morning you immediately disappear for some stupid excuse. Is it wrong that I want to spend a little more time with you?"

"Makary, we are both adults and that's just life," Makary's boyfriend muttered, nervous about this exchange of views. "I will try to..."

"You promised to try some time ago," Makary interrupted and took a deep breath. "I break up with you."

"Makary, what are you talking about?" he said shocked. "You're not serious."

"I can't talk more seriously. It's over," Makary tried to be tough, even though he wanted to burst into tears. "Anyway, you were in a rush somewhere, so go ahead."

"Whatever you want. Actually, I didn't care at all," the ex-boyfriend added before he left, slamming the door.

Perfect, Fate clapped its hands and began to put his plan into action.

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