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Makary initially thought to himself that children were scary, then laughed lightly. Later, when he was sitting at his place in the evening watching a documentary, he realized that he hadn't asked Monika what kind of pierogi Błażej liked in particular, he preferred them sweet or maybe salty. He sighed heavily and hid his face in his hands as if he didn't want to admit his stupidity. It seemed pathetic for him to bother Tymek's mother about it, and he couldn't write directly to the first year so that nothing would come out.

Nemo flew up and sat on his master's head, pecking him lightly, thinking What are you doing again, man, get over yourself! The parrot has been feeling a bit neglected lately and has been demanding attention. The animal almost fell off Makary's head as the man suddenly rushed to get the phone to take a picture with Nemo sitting on his head. Man, what's up, why are there two of you?! Why is this other parrot imitating me?! Man, what is this?!, he chirped furiously, rising and falling every now and then.

"Nemo, at least for a few seconds, please do not move," said Makary, trying to choose the right angle at which he should hold the phone to achieve the intended effect.

Finally, he managed to take a picture so that part of his face and Nemo staring at the camera of the phone could be seen. A moment later, the parrot flew away offended and watched the situation from a perch suspended from the ceiling. Makary triumphantly sent the photo to Błażej, after all, now it was his turn to do so. Meanwhile, the freshman who was to receive this photo straightened his back at the news and cursed his posture while crocheting. He smiled when he saw that it was a message from Makary, and even more so when he saw his face in the picture.

Błażej, staring at the received file, wondered where it was all going and how they got to this point. They met by chance so many times, until that moment of meeting at the bar when everything took off. He still didn't know where the courage came from to invite Makary for coffee that day. Was it Krystian's words of encouragement or just a sudden surge of confidence and a kick from Fate? After all, he thought, it was the hazel-eyed man who wanted there to be something more behind that first cup of coffee a year and a half ago. Błażej, however, still had somewhere in the back of his mind that he should not trust anyone, although he would like and felt that Makary was not a bad person.

He glanced at the keychain he was going to finish that evening to give to his cousin for Christmas. He would have sent and bragged about the effect to his cousin and friend, but he hesitated to do so now. Does your parrot like anyone but you? His eyes are full of murderous lust :p, he wrote back instead and went back to his interrupted work.

He had to stop it after a while, however, because his cousin called him.

"Is Saturday still alright for you?" she asked after saying hello.

"Sure," replied Blażej. "Why do you ask?"

"I'm just making sure," the woman replied. "Now that you live in a big city, you may have plans that you don't tell me about. I don't want you, you know, to pay special attention to me..."

"Monika, what is it about?" The young man rolled his eyes, he knew she was angry with him, but he couldn't guess what made her feel that way.

"Well, I met Mr. Toy Thief today, and had a conversation with him, so I found out that you have arranged to meet him for coffee today. I'm a little sorry that I don't know anything anymore, and Krystian probably had reports on a regular basis. I don't want to be second now that he's back."

Błażej sighed with a smile that it was all about that. In fact, with everything that happened with Makary, after the situation with Kotozaur, he preferred not to share it with her. He knew his cousin all too well, he knew that part of her would be sorry, because since Tymek's father had left her, she was alone, and on the other, she would turn on the role of matchmaker. He feared the latter had happened now as well. Although Krystian knew everything, Błażej thought that he would like her to have the missing pieces of the puzzle as well. He turned on the loudspeaker so that he could still work and began to tell her about things he had not shared with her until now.

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