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On the day of the long-awaited date, Błażej was at work for a few hours in the morning, cheered on by his friends, who at the same time worriedly expected how nervous he was. They only hoped that the next day he would come in a much better mood. He came home to take a shower and get ready. He was ready much too early and was restlessly pacing the apartment, watched by Krystian.

"You experience it as if you were going on a first date, and so many times you went out somewhere," announced a friend, waving a fork in front of Błażej's nose. "Treat it like any other meeting."


"I know, you were not a couple before." He spun the cutlery in a circle in the air.

"And we always agreed on something together, how am I supposed to know how he will react to the surprise," Błażej began to enumerate nervously, to which Krystian only shook his head in disappointment. "Makary will surely be delighted, after all, we all know that he loves you," he sighed and looked at his watch. "Go now, or you'll be late."

"Right," the first year shuddered and started gathering his things.

"Błażej!" Krystian called before his friend left. "Have fun!"


Krystian calmly finished his dinner and sighed heavily, staring at the phone. He wanted to meet his girlfriend, but she was too busy studying until the end of the school year and the final exam a moment later. He promised himself that he would reward her hard work as soon as the holidays began. For now, all he had to do was support her and enjoy the happiness of others.

Błażej was glad that the weather was really good, for once the forecast was accurate. He quickly approached the restaurant where Makary helped and which belonged to his parents. He had not thought that even in the pre-afternoon hours the place would be almost full and that many of the guests would look very refined. He timidly went inside, looking around and admiring the nice, elegant and at the same time simple decor. There was a breath of spring and a warm atmosphere here, he stopped wondering why there were crowds here. Knowing how well Makary cooks, the level of dishes served here must have been excellent.

He was greeted by a young girl at the narrow counter, smiling warmly. Błażej swallowed, now he had no turning back and also made the same gesture on his face.

"How can I help you?"

"Could I sit somewhere and wait for Makary?" he asked, watching the waitress look surprised at the request.

"Of course," she replied albeit and pointed him to a table near the door.

When he sat down, out of habit, she handed him the menu, Błażej said that it probably wouldn't hurt to just read it, although he knew he wouldn't order anything.

"Shall I inform Makary that you are waiting for him?" she asked before approaching the other guests who were waiting to be shown a free seat.

Błażej was a bit confused, on the one hand, he would betray himself with a surprise, but at the same time, he would be sure that Makary wouldn't come out, for example, through the back exit.

"I'll take care of it, the guests are waiting," replied the woman who suddenly appeared behind them and chased the girl as her superior.

She was a friend of the owners who helped them from the very beginning the manager, and at the same time the supervisor of the entire team of waiters. For the very offspring of friends, she was a favourite step-aunt. She smiled kindly at Błażej and then went to the kitchen to look for Makary.

"Darling," she said to him, as she did to everyone. "Your beloved has arrived and is waiting for you," she announced cheerfully, Makary answered her with sincere joy. "He looks a little nervous, and he's very pale."

"He probably didn't eat anything because of his nerves, it's typical to him," the hazel-eyed muttered. "I'll make something quick, I'll pay for it when I leave, okay?"

"Of course," laughed Gertruda. "Any message should I give with it?"

"No need," replied Makay already focused on cooking.

The woman was happy that she had the opportunity to meet Makary's new boyfriend, she had been watching how he was in love for some time. However, he had never before decided to bring anyone even near the restaurant, but he betrayed that he was not supposed to know about this visit. She was returning with a ready dish to the room when she heard the conversation of the waitresses. She stopped to listen to them.

"I knew that Makary has other inclinations, but it would be much easier to get over it if you lost him to someone...," said the woman who served Błażej at the beginning.

Gertrude noticed from his attitude that she must have heard this exchange, she boiled inside, but she knew that she had to remain professional. She would have defended Makary like her own child, and she hadn't seen him happier since he started seeing this boy.

"More interesting and handsome, I know what you mean," added the other and both began to stare at Błażej with some disappointment in their eyes.

"I wonder if you would be able to tell the same to Makary's face," Gertruda interrupted their conversation. "Even so, I doubt he cares what you think. And I don't want to hear another word about it."

She approached Błażej and put a plate with dinner in front of him, he looked at her surprised and began to explain that it was probably a mistake and he hadn't ordered anything.

"I don't think so," replied Gertruda. "This is a special delivery from your boyfriend. Enjoy your meal."

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