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Makary spent the rest of the morning exchanging messages with Błażej, annoyed that he had said something wrong when the answer did not come right away. He remembered, however, that the boy was at work and had probably been busy for quite some time. He also realized that he should get ready to help out at one of his parents' restaurants. They were fully booked on weekend afternoons and evenings, and he always liked helping in the kitchen. He was afraid that the regained contact would suddenly go silent again if he couldn't keep the phone with him. He wouldn't know how to start again. He let out an exasperated sigh and shook his head. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been so worried about every word and trifle in a conversation with another man.

Just when he was getting changed and was about to write to Błażej that he was just starting work, he received a message Thanks for keeping me company, I think I would be bored without talking to you. Makary smiled happily, which attracted the attention of the chef, who was just going on a break and grabbing a pack of cigarettes from the locker.

"So happy that you will spend Sunday afternoon with us." The superior of the hazel-eye laughed.

"No ..." Makary blushed, hugging the phone to his chest."

"No? If you have so much energy, after all, you'll get the most work. We won't let this enthusiasm go to waste," announced the experienced cook happily and walked out to the back of the building, laughing.

I'm glad
, he wrote back to Blazej, but I'm just starting work myself, so I'll talk to you during the break if you don't mind. He hit send and didn't want to put the phone down until he found out if he could do it later. He knew, however, that despite being the son of the owners, he had to fulfill the responsibilities he had taken on. The smile slowly faded from his face as he closed the locker and still nothing had arrived. Suddenly, he heard the expected signal and jerked the door open again. Of course not.

It was enough for him to be happy and completely absent-minded. He burned almost every dish he was working on until the chef yelled at him to get himself together. Makary was thinking about what he would write to Błażej during the break and he was smiling, remembering how happy each new message made him. In the meantime, the owner of the restaurant visited the restaurant and witnessed how her son, a perfectionist, and neat freak, at least when it came to the kitchen and cooking, created chaos around himself.

"Son, are you fine? This is the first time I hear Romek complaining about you. Are you angry with Kaja and Kinga or with our jokes? You know we didn't mean anything bad," Makary's mother asked with concern. "Is it about that man? Maciek said that you broke up."

"No," said Makary. "I'm just distracted because I'm thinking about something."

"Oh yeah." The woman patted his shoulder, knowing she couldn't get anything more out of him for the moment. "Just focus on your work, you don't want any of your guests complaining that the dish was too salty, do you?"

"I wouldn't allow that," Makary announced, realizing that he couldn't remember which teaspoon of salt he was adding. Mom gave him a meaningful look but smiled when he apologized.

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