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Krystian unexpectedly came up with the idea to go out to the club and find out what the city has to offer in this matter. Błażej did not want to leave the house.

"Dear friend, it's Friday, we are young and the academic year has just begun, so get ready and the city is ours," said Krystian energetically and forced Błażej to change his clothes.

They visited a few clubs, but none of them convinced them enough to stay there longer, eventually frustrated with failure Krystian ordered them to change plans and go to the bar. When they ordered a beer and proudly presented with their ID cards that they can legally have it, one of the extremely sad people caught their eye.

"Hey, this dude doesn't seem strangely familiar to you?" Krystian asked, trying to remember where he knew this face from.

"It can't be true," Błażej muttered, recognizing Makary at once.

"It's the one from the fair!" the proud roommate shouted.


"Then go say hi."

"No way."

"Błażej, how many times you 'accidentally' see each other?" Krystian suddenly became serious.

"I don't know, now it would be the fifth time maybe."

"And usually there is saying the third time's the charm, I don't know if fate will give you another chance."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Błażej was a bit confused by his friend's behavior.

That's what you tell him, perverse fate exclaimed inwardly, be my cupid this night. This is their last chance, there will be no more.

"Do you like this guy?"

"Of course," Błażej muttered, blushing. "I liked it from the beginning, but look at him and me. Not my league, no chance. Besides, he definitely has someone ..."

"We'll find out soon." Krystian got up and walked confidently to Makary, who had definitely overdone with alcohol that evening and was falling asleep on the counter. "Hey, one question buddy, are you single?" he asked, patting him on the shoulder. Błażej tried to stop him but was unable to.

"Actually, I have been for a few hours," replied the hazel-eyed sadly, not paying too much attention to the surroundings.

"It's great because...," Krystian began, but suddenly an angry bartender approached them.

"You know him, guys, if yes, so get him out of here and," he announced furiously, and returned to his duties.

"This is your chance, Błażej, " Krystian suddenly announced and took his glass of beer and poured it into his own. "You see, you don't have any beer anymore, I'll finish mine, and you will take the beauty back home. Be his hero."

"I hate you," Błażej muttered with a sigh, but he wanted to help and told himself that it was just about helping him and he would not hope for anything more.

"Just let me know later if you will come home for the night." Krystian winked, even though his friend tried to kill him with his eyes.

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