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The girls got up first and discussed in whispers if there was anything they could do to apologize to their uncle. They already understood that they had done wrong and were aware that their prank would not go unpunished. First, they thought about making breakfast, but they realized that they wouldn't impress Makary with cooking, he always surprised them with something if they had the opportunity to eat at his place. They could have drawn a picture, but they didn't have the right tools.

They were surprised when, sometime later, their uncle invited them to a ready meal. Kaja and Kinga sat down at the table in pajamas with indistinct faces, especially when they saw that their dad was already there.

"I'm not angry with you girls, eat," Makary muttered, taking a sip of coffee. "I'll only be angry if you don't eat breakfast." The twins obeyed their uncle, but they couldn't look him in the eye.

"You have to admit, though, that they did good care of you. I thought I would cry with laughter," said Maciek, the oldest brother of the hazel-eyed man. "But don't think you'll be spared punishment," he told his daughters, who sadly nodded that they were aware of it. "If you had seen Jolka, she would alternately get annoyed with the girls, and then laugh over and over again for a good few minutes." The man parodied his wife, by making an angry and happy face alternately.

Kaja and Kinga started laughing loudly, and Makary smiled, he knew that this story was true. His sister-in-law was famous for being able to change her mood in a second. He heard the sound of a message coming, and glanced at the phone, expecting another message from Błażej. Although he wasn't supposed to worry about it, he was glad when in the morning he could read from him Hey, I hope I don't wake you up. I'm sorry I couldn't talk more. Going back to yesterday, do you have a large family?

"I thought you would be angry with them, that's why I came earlier," Maciek announced, raising an eyebrow curious about the care with which his brother devotes himself to typing on the phone.

"Perhaps something good will come of their crimes," Makarios replied casually.

"Good, you say," the brother tried to pretend that nothing at all, he was not intrigued. "I wonder what use it could be. Will you be a model now or will your face become a meme?"

Makary gave him an angry look and noticed that the girls were beginning to listen to their conversation with interest, hoping that maybe I would manage to avoid punishment after all. They believed that you should not be punished for doing something good.

"They accidentally sent it to one man too, and maybe we'll start talking more," said Makary, trying to keep his cheeks from blushing.

"Ah yes." Maciek nodded his head. "What about your boyfriend? You've been together for a while, has something gone wrong?"

"I broke up with him a week ago," the hazel-eyed man replied. "This relationship didn't make any sense."

"You comforted yourself pretty quickly by your standards."

"I was not consoled," Makary was indignant. "Just..."

He briefly told his brother the story of his acquaintance with Błażej, forgetting that they were being listened to by two resolute seven-year-olds. Maciek listened to him but refrained from evaluating and giving advice, knowing that he had to let Makary decide for himself what to do with his feelings. It wasn't what he had asked for, he just wanted to tell you about the events leading up to this moment. The elder brother smiled.

"It is destiny," announced Kaja loudly and looked at her sister, signaling her to add something from herself. "So we can't get punished for doing his will," Kinga added confidently.

"You won't avoid it. Go get dressed," Maciek ordered and sighed heavily. "I don't know where they get these texts from."

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