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"He means Makary," Błażej interjected. "I told you about how it started, Tymek calls him that every time he sees him. It turned out that Antek, Tymek's friend from kindergarten, is Makary's nephew, and today they broke off their friendship. Also because Tymek called him that way." He sighed heavily. "I don't know how to convince him not to do this."

"Tell you a secret," Krystian crouched for a moment next to the child, who nodded. "I don't like the toy thief person either."

"I knew he was evil!"

"He isn't bad. I was sorry that your uncle has more time for him than for me, but I also know that when your uncle is with him, he is very happy. And this is more important to me than to focus on the fact that I don't like him, " said Krystian in a caring tone. "Besides, I heard the toy thing was an accident. You've never done anything wrong that you didn't want to?"

"Once when we were playing football, I accidentally kicked it so that it hit Iga," Tymek replied after a moment of reflection. "But I apologized to her, I didn't mean to hit her."

"You see. And Iga still reminds you of that? Does he call you a donkey or a monster or something? Would you be sorry if she did?"

"Yes! She is very nice to me. Sometimes she gives me a few cookies, if she has some more," answered Tymek and turned towards Błażej crying, as if he suddenly realized that he had done something wrong.

"Look, you don't have to like him right away, but I'd appreciate it if you'd try not to call him a toy thief," Błażej said, hugging the boy. He looked at his friend. "I'm impressed."

"If only Sylwia could see it," Krystian sighed dramatically. "I am perfect husband and father material. And I just bought a bouquet, tell me, what do you think?"

He brought a huge bouquet of roses from the room, Błażej was afraid that it might be an exaggeration. However, he hoped everything would go according to his friend's plans. Tymek, on the other hand, was delighted and asked why he bought such a large bouquet.

"Today is a special day to tell someone how much you love them," replied Krystian.

"Don't teach him that. Love should always be shown, not on only holidays," murmured Błażej, urging the boy to leave.

"Mmm, yes, yes." Krystian threw a meaningful look at the gift bag held by Błażej.

"Uncle, what if mom will be sorry that we don't have anything for her? I do love her very much!" Tymek exclaimed in despair.

"If you want, we'll have time to buy her something," the first year smiled. "I'm sure she'll be delighted and happy when she returns. Already know what you would like to give her?"

"Nice flowers, just like uncle Krystian has."

"Okay, we've got a couple of florists on the way. Good luck to you," Błażej said goodbye to his friend.

"Same to you. Have a nice evening," Krystian smiled and nailed a fist bump with Tymek, touched by his quick promotion to uncle. "So, mutual report over beer tomorrow?"

"What else? All the details?" Błażej jokingly pouted.

"And Tymek, try to reconcile with your friend tomorrow, okay? Believe me, it's not fun to argue."

"I'll think about it," the boy muttered, dissatisfied with this turn of events. "Come, uncle, because they will choose the prettiest flowers before us."

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