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Błażej hoped that he wouldn't regret the decision he made without first weighing up all the pros and cons. However, he did not want Makary to come back to his place, he wanted him to be next to him. At the same time, he hoped that he wouldn't disappoint him by not letting anything else happen between them if he was counting on something.

A first-year couldn't let a guest sleep in a chair, though, and Krystian's room was out of the question. As friends, they greatly respected each other's personal space, which they limited primarily to their rooms. So the only thing left to share was the bed, which was fortunately wide enough to allow two people to sleep relatively well. Błażej prepared an additional set of bedding and lent Makary a tracksuit. The clothes were a bit too big for hazel-eyed, but that didn't bother him in any way. Besides, he didn't want to show how much he enjoyed something as simple as wearing his beloved's clothes.

It was only when they were going to bed and the light went out that Błażej realized what was going on. Previously, the impossibility of such a scenario seemed to overshadow his ability to think of cause and effect. Suddenly he began to feel uneasy and wanted to melt into one with the wall. Makary sensed that something was wrong. He reached for the phone and pointed the display at Błażej, the expression on the first year's face gave him reason to worry. He began to wonder if he had done the right thing by agreeing to his proposals, he was afraid that the result would be quite the opposite.

"What's going on?" he asked in a gentle tone, not making any specific move so as not to aggravate the situation.

"I'm not sure," answered Błażej, trembling tone. "It's not about you, it's just that I suddenly felt... I don't want to say threatened, but I realized that I got carried away and lost control of the situation," he tried to explain.

"You know I won't hurt you, right?"

"I know."

"And you know you can't always control everything, right?"

"I know."

"And you know what we can do now?"

Błażej did not know, and rather did not want to find out, he suddenly began to be afraid. Although they had known each other for less than two months, they did not know that much about each other. Suddenly, negative thoughts began to come to his mind, he saw Makary as a stranger, despite his assurances of the sincerity of his feelings. He had one question in his head. What the hell had he gotten himself into? When he was wondering if he could somehow get out of it, Makary put the phone in front of his face.

"Funny videos with animals seem to make everyone feel better. I just had to find my favourite channel," announced the hazel-eyed, hoping that it would help Błażej to relax a bit.

"I thought you were an adult," the first year muttered.

He focused on the screen where the cat had misjudged the distance between the cupboard and the sofa he wanted to jump on... He snorted with laughter and thought that maybe the failures from the animal world could help him. Makary handed him his phone and turned sideways to see the funny videos as well. Hearing that Błażej is calmer now and laughs now and then, he becomes calmer and closes his eyes. After a while he fell asleep with a smile on his face, knowing who was lying next to him.

Błażej, absorbed in the sweetness and cuteness of quadrupeds, did not notice that a lot of time had passed, but he was convinced that Makary was still watching videos with him. He turned to him and whispered his name to make sure he was asleep. He seemed so calm and fragile despite his stature. Błażej remembered how he behaved when he was away from home and smiled. How many times had he decided he couldn't be fooled again? And how quickly did he fall into the trap of love?

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