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The hazel-eyed man was a bit surprised, but he didn't want to let it be known, because it didn't bother him in any way. On the contrary, he only had the impression that there was something more behind it. He wondered if he should bring up the topic, although it was hard to concentrate when he felt his lover's warm breath on his neck and the weight of his leg on his thighs. He was a little angry with himself that at that moment his body decided to react quite naturally to the situation he found himself in.

Although Makary thought he knew Błażej, sometimes he didn't quite know how the first-year would react. At times he felt many contradictions within him, especially when he was once again overcome by fear that fought against his desire to reach for happiness. He sighed heavily, he could control himself, but he would rather not find out what Błażej would think about it. He sighed heavily, thinking what if she moved away from him?

He saw that Błażej was still awake and was sad for some reason. He couldn't leave it like that and started stroking his shoulder soothingly, hoping it would help him sleep and maybe get him to share his concerns. Something was obviously bothering the first year and he was struggling with himself to make the best decision.

"What is it about?" Makary finally asked, wanting to give him an impulse in the right direction, after all, he could have told him about everything."Aren't you happy with today?"

"No, how could you even think like that," Błażej immediately denied in a whisper. But he couldn't look up.

"Is this something you can't share with me? I don't want to pressure you, just to remind you that you can talk to me if you need to, no matter what's bothering you. Since we are a couple, your happiness is mine, so I will gladly take on your problems, too, if you let me." Makary kissed him on the forehead and closed his eyes, now he could only wait to see what Błażej would do with his sincere challenge.

"Thank you." The first year rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling. "It means a lot to me."

Błażej wondered whether he had the right to burden someone with his worries, whether he had the right to do so, especially with someone he loved. Was it really that easy? Say everything out loud and wait for advice and support. To know that no matter what he says, he will not be judged in any respect, be it normality or decency? So why did his voice so often get stuck in his throat and not even a single word could get through? He looked at Makary lying next to him, who was calmly watching him and smiled. Błażej's heart suddenly felt a surge of courage and love flowing from seeing such a simple gesture.

"I wonder if I might be greedy," he finally said.

"Greedy?" Makary was surprised and raised himself on his elbow. "What do you care about so much?"

"On you," Błażej replied briefly, happy that the room was dark enough to hide his embarrassed face.

Makary got up and stood over him, with every second he was leaning more and more, but Błażej did not want to turn around.

"I was like this towards you from the beginning. Do you blame me for this?"

"No, because you respected my boundaries," the first year replied.

"I'm sure you can do the same, so I give you the full right to be greedy towards me," Makary laughed and looked into the eyes of his beloved.

Their breathing quickened and there was tension and anticipation in the air. Błażej raised himself on his elbows and shortened the space between their faces even further, only to eliminate it completely with a kiss. Full of tenderness, but at the same time challenges and unexpressed demands.

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