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Makary tried not to show some bitterness that appeared in him and did not want to leave for a long time when Błażej informed him that nothing would come of their initial plans. Nightmares and unpleasant thoughts began to torment him, which did not give him peace. He didn't want to admit to himself that it was already a crisis at such an early stage of the relationship, but they were knocking on extremely stubbornly.

All the time he had in his mind that this was the beginning of the breakdown of all his previous relationships, from the lack of time and dubious quality of meetings. He couldn't help but think about how much he wanted to be someone's priority. Was he asking for so much when that was what he was doing himself? Then he scolded himself for thinking in this way, after all, Błażej could not have foreseen that the professor would not cancel classes and their assistant would resign.

Even the fact that they managed to find some time to dine out together didn't help him get over this uneasy feeling. However, he was worried when he saw how exhausted he was and was afraid that he would push himself to the brink again and get sick.

"It's only this week," said Błażej, asking not to worry about him. "I'm going to get some more coffee, do you want something?"

Makary denied it, watching how a grimace of pain flashed across his beloved's face despite everything. He felt remorse for unknowingly accusing him of lack of time. Even more so when he saw that, getting up, Błażej knocked over his planner, which he took out of the bag for a moment and put on the table, looking for his wallet. The notebook fell open that week, and hazel eyes had to ensure it was the right time. At the beginning of the week, it looked completely different.
He knew how much Błażej disliked changes and probably wasn't very happy when he had to draw, overwrite and mark everything with different colours. He'd gotten a little familiar with the first year's system by now, not realizing how much of his spare time was defined as work. He frowned, he didn't like it.

His gaze, however, wandered to plans for the weekend, where he discovered an even more astonishing thing. Saturday afternoon was clearly marked as 'a date with Makary', and there was a little heart next to it. He was touched by this sight and realized that it must have been difficult for him to ask for it at work. Yes, the first date already as an official couple, he should think about it himself.

He pondered the details. Assuming that Błażej will want to surprise him, he will not reveal any details, and it would be appropriate to adapt to whatever he planned. Makary knew he was running out of time, and he didn't dare rummage through his beloved's belongings. But he saw something colourful sticking out of the end of the notebook. He gently pushed it out a little harder and saw a ticket to the zoo with a Saturday date. He smiled and put everything back where it belonged. So that's the case, all he had to do was laugh at his stupidity and try to find a way to make it up to Błażej.

"I was unlucky that in front of me was some terrible whiner, I feel sorry for the staff today," sighed Błażej, returning to the table. "Something happened?" he asked, seeing the strangely overjoyed face of Makary.

"Nothing, I just realized how glad I am that we could meet, if only for a moment. I missed you."

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