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The hazel-eyed was in a very good mood and was reluctant to return to his place that evening. Even at work, the others marvelled at the positive aura emanating from him and did not want to lead him out of this charming state called love. However, he still had in the back of his mind that there was still no clear progress between them that would make it easier for him to find new layers of patience. He was afraid that without it his sympathy for Błażej, although growing, would lose its intensity, and then it would dissipate faster.

The first year was feeling better, so Makary allowed him to do something before he returned in the afternoon. He knew he would do it anyway because he was already wearing it. However, when he looked into Błażej's room, he wasn't sure if he saw the right person in bed. He stepped back and looked again at the sick man, who hadn't even noticed him, too engrossed in reading a thick and scary-looking book. Makary put down his groceries in the kitchen and hoped to be able to approach his victim noiselessly. He was sure that Błażej was aware of his presence, but he chose to ignore him.

"I didn't know you wore glasses," he said, bringing his face closer to Błażej, who finally broke away from reading.

"Only for reading or working on the computer," answered Błażej, reaching for the bookmark. "You do not like them?"

He intended to take off the simple black-rimmed glasses, but Makary was first. The hazel-eyed made a face as if he was severely assessing what was in front of his eyes. He placed the glasses on the owner's face once more, then took them off again. Błażej froze, and Makary took advantage of this to whisper his decision to him.

"I really like both versions of you, only the one with the glasses seems a bit sexier to me..."

Błażej grabbed a pillow and hit the hazel-eyed on the arm, turning beet red. Makary laughed, seeing his offended expression.

"You're doing it on purpose," he accused him. "I feel damn awkward, and you enjoy it."

"You talk as if I'm knowingly using flirting against you," Makary countered the accusation. "Don't play the innocent. May I remind you that you were the first to send that photo and you always responded with something similar like during Christmas time?"

Błażej wanted to say something, but only opened his mouth and closed it. Makary was smirking as if he was waiting for something and wasn't going to move until he heard it.

"You won."

"Just start getting used to it," Makary replied with a laugh, heading to the kitchen.

"I will seek revenge. You won't even know when I'll attack," threatened Błażej, reaching back for the book. He wanted to finish at least a chapter before dinner.

"I'm looking forward!"

Makary shouted from the kitchen, laughing inwardly that he had already done it so many times, but he couldn't see it. When he returned, he regretfully found that the glasses had already been hidden and the book lay on the table. The older man wondered how to appease his beloved a bit.

"What kind of system is it exactly?" he asked, pointing to a row of coloured bookmarks sticking out of the book. "I can't believe there's nothing behind it."

"Red is for definitions, yellow are fragments that I have to re-read because I don't understand them at the moment, green may be useful to me for essays, and blue is a reference that I would like to look at later," explained Błażej.

"I would also like to apply myself to studies like this," announced Makary.

"You mentioned that you chose the direction only because it might be useful."

"I'd rather stay in the kitchen anyway, and my brothers are pretty good at marketing and management. Possibly I could use some knowledge of this as if I was trying to start something of my own," the hazel-eyed man was lost in his own thoughts for a moment.

"You should do it," Błażej replied firmly. "You'd be successful for sure."

"I don't know if it's a good idea... Are you going to support me?"

"If you want it and let me," the first year's answer seemed all too obvious.

Despite all the doubts that tormented him again and again, he was sure that he did not want Makary to disappear from his life. It meant that Błażej himself would also try to prevent this from happening.

"I found an interesting documentary series, do you want to start watching it after dinner?"

"Sure," replied Makary, smiling dreamily.

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