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Spring was beautiful and warm and even the rains didn't bother anyone. On the contrary, it seemed to be the perfect complement to this time of year, delicate, at times refreshing and reassuring.

Fate was enjoying the weather and took advantage of this fact to laze around without any remorse. Not that they got to him often, and he could only be proud of himself. After all, when he decided to interfere and make Makary and Błażej end up together, he didn't expect that two more couples would appear. Of course, he supported them very much, although he did not have a direct hand in their happiness. At least he believed that it was his achievement and that he had the right to add it to his long list of successes.

It could only watch the following weeks as the lovers learned about their relationships and partners. They discovered each other and reached out, trying to deal with their first quarrels and arguments. Fate didn't feel like intervening this time, doing nothing suited him much better, and he felt that everything would work out for this group. For the same reason, he lacked entertainment, laziness was nice, but a bit boring, so he hoped that something interesting would start to happen in their relationship. He hoped that would happen when he spied a series of messages that Krystian sent to Błażej half an hour before he finished work.

The first-year asked his friend how to recognize Sylwia, but the only answer he received was that it was no problem, because she was the most beautiful girl in the world. Błażej just rolled his eyes, he already knew that, and Krystian had been hiding her from everyone until now and had never had the opportunity to meet her. Sylwia was supposed to come to their apartment, but her boyfriend got stuck halfway because the tram that was going in front of him had a breakdown and traffic was stopped on that section. He had classes in a distant part of the city and tried to return via an alternative route.

Krystian didn't want his beloved to endure the inconvenience of waiting behind him, so he asked his friend to go with her after work and at least let her inside. Błażej, of course, had no objection, although he had plans for the afternoon, but he believed that they would be able to make it in time.

Ten minutes before the end of the shift, a beautiful young girl entered the store and looked around uncertainly. She looked fragile and scared, but at the same time, there were glimmers of determination in her eyes. She didn't buy anything, but stood nearby and nervously clutched the shoulder of her bag.

"Excuse me, are you Sylwia?" Błażej asked, approaching her with a smile. The girl jumped and just nodded. "My name is Błażej and I'm glad to finally meet you. Krystian praises you to the heavens and I already have the impression that he wasn't exaggerating."

Sylwia blushed and wished she hadn't tied it in a braid that day, if she had left it loose she could have tried to hide her reaction. Krystian was talking about his friend and she was pleased that he complimented her, and even more pleased that her boyfriend spoke so highly of her. Because of her uncertainty, she was sometimes afraid that she was only giving him reasons to complain.

Błażej said that he needed a few more minutes to get ready, when his friend called him, he would change his clothes and they could go. Sylwia knew that he was a nice boy and she wasn't afraid to stay in his company, but for a long time, she felt someone's unpleasant eyes on her. She turned slowly and met the angry, hazel eyes of a handsome young man. She didn't know what she had done, but she was even more glad that she wouldn't leave the store alone. She just hoped she hadn't offended him in any significant way.

"Everything's all right?" Sylwia did not answer but involuntarily looked towards the man staring unpleasantly at her. Błażej followed her and sighed quietly. "Do not worry about him. I'll talk to him soon, he said decisively." Sylwia looked at him questioningly. "It's just my overly jealous boyfriend. Let's go."

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