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Błażej was proud of himself when he prepared everything for the date he wanted to surprise Makary. He felt bad, except that most of the time lately it was the hazel-eyed man who took special care of their relationship, allowing the first-year to focus on his studies and finishing the year without the September re-sit exam session. Błażej was extremely grateful to him for this and could feel calmer about applying for a scholarship in the next academic year.

He intended to work as much as possible during the holidays, but also to get involved in the relationship that was developing so well. Of course, he still struggled with the fear that it was only a matter of time before something went wrong, or that he would ultimately not be good enough. These thoughts were becoming less and less frequent, but he was nervous that they were occurring at all. Błażej was irritated by his own uncertainty, not about feelings, he had no doubts about that, after all, they were in love with each other. However, he wished he didn't doubt many little things that made him feel guilty.

He was proud of himself for finding some cool date inspiration online. He could have suggested going somewhere, but he knew that despite his presence, Makary sometimes felt uncomfortable when they went out. He knew that the best solution would be to prepare something at home, and after work, he probably didn't want to go anywhere, just come and relax at home. Now all he had to do was wait for her to return.

"What do you think?" he asked, turning to the parrots, and showing his work.

The unfolded sofa, blankets and piles of pillows encouraged us to lie down and prepare for a movie marathon. The wine was cooling in the fridge, and the closed blinds and hanging lamps added to the romantic atmosphere. The snacks were ready, and so was he, especially when he thought about what he wanted to say to Makary today.

A gift, he remembered, a small gift he had prepared for him that he hadn't wrapped yet. Suddenly panicked, he started looking for something suitable for this purpose. He focused on Tymek and forgot that he had to go to the flower shop to buy a gift bag. There was no time left to go get it, especially since he heard the sound of the door opening, so he put the gift behind him.

Makary's face lit up with a smile immediately when he saw his beloved, despite a hard day at work and an extremely grumpy customer who had comments on every dish he had prepared. And now there was nothing he enjoyed more than when he came home and someone was there. He looked around, curious about the new interior arrangement. He greeted Błażej with a kiss and tried to see what he was hiding from him.

"I wanted to surprise you today and I have a small gift for you, but I forgot to wrap it." Błażej stretched out his hands with a frame in which he put their photo together.

Makary took the gift in his hands and stared at their faces in the photo. They took this one during another trip to the zoo, where they spent the whole day. He valued this memory and knew that the frame would not be placed in a random place. He also knew that it meant a lot to Błażej, and he wanted to convey to him, that I also felt comfortable with the fact that the fact that they were together was visible in their space.

"Thank you," the hazel-eyed man whispered, hoping you couldn't see the tears in his eyes. "I'll have to put them somewhere visible. What have you prepared?" he changed the subject.

"Movie marathon, wine, snacks, the whole package," said Błażej happily. "Tonight is supposed to be about relaxation."

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