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Makary wondered why Monika asked him to visit her in the middle of the week, but he couldn't find any reason why he should refuse her. However, he was surprised to find Krystian there, who was arguing with Tymek about the last cake. At least the boy didn't react as dramatically as usual when he saw his neighbour. He just favoured him with a distrustful look and went back to making sure his 'not so long being' uncle didn't use his distraction to get a sweet snack.

The hostess prepared coffee for everyone, and the cookie warriors finally decided to compromise and divide the prey in half. Although the younger tried to calculate that he was entitled to the whole, according to how much each of them had eaten before. Makary said little but watched as Monika looked at her son and wondered if she should let him stay in their company. Tymek, since he no longer had to look after the cookies, caught her eye and made an offended face. They had discussed this before.

"I won't tell Uncle anything," the boy announced suddenly, outraged by his mother's distrust.

"Good," Monika sighed heavily and smiled at the other guests. "I asked you to come because Błażej's twentieth birthday is approaching. I'd like to organize a small party with your help, actually, we'd be the only ones there, but..." Her voice suddenly broke.

"You want him to start enjoying this day again," Krystian added and put his hand on his friend's shoulder, a gesture of comfort.

"I tried to do something last year, but Błażej asked to just leave him alone that day. But now I've got you guys, so he won't have anything to say." She smiled hopefully.

"A party is a party, no matter how many guests are there," Krystian enthusiastically announced.

Makary looked at his mug and spun it, watching how it affected the drink still in it. All the time he remembered the story of Błażej and understood how bad his own birthday must have been for him, since then everything collapsed for him. However, he felt motivation and warmth in his heart, just watching how these three care about each other. He was grateful to Monika that she also decided to involve him and not just invite him, it meant a lot to him. He also wanted Blazej to enjoy his day again.

"This year it is on a Saturday." The woman looked at the calendar. "And I'm sure he asked for the afternoon shift that day and hoped his colleagues wouldn't notice it was his birthday."

"They know me there," Krystian said. "I'll ask them to change it, but they didn't tell him anything."

"We'll get some time then." Monica nodded happily. "I was thinking of doing it at your place, what do you think?" she asked her friend.

"Sure. We'll just have to get the details right so that Błażej doesn't guess anything."

"Makary, why are you silent? I hope you don't feel excluded," Tymek's mother was worried.

"No, I know you've known him longer and better than me." Makary smiled at her concern. "But I'd like to prepare the food. Just please don't make me the responsible one for the cake."

"Relax." Monica laughed. "My coworker makes great cakes, I will order one from her."

"I want to help too!" Tymek exclaimed, attracting the attention of the other organising committee members.

"You'll be responsible for the decorations, how about that?"

"I will not let you down." The boy pretended to salute and announced that he was going to his room to plan how they should look.

The adults followed the little one with their eyes and began to work out the details. They developed a version of the plan as if Błażej had actually arranged for a shift that day and an option if he had to be taken somewhere for half a day. After an hour, they were happy with the results and were looking forward to the day.

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