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Błażej stretched out his hand and placed it on Makary's cheek, as he had done before to him. He didn't remove his hand until he was afraid that the hazel-eyed might wake up. In the darkness, he apologized to him for his earlier behaviour, though he couldn't hear him. The first year had trouble understanding himself. On the one hand, he realized more and more often that he lacked intimacy and simply craved it, on the other hand, fear still appeared unexpectedly in him. He didn't want to be heartbroken again, he didn't want to be rejected again, and he didn't want to feel like trash that needed to be removed from this world.

Makary woke up slightly and started looking for Błażej's hand, which he thought he had felt on his cheek just a moment ago. Only when he found it and hugged it again, he did fall into a deep sleep. Błażej gave himself a moment and again thought it was a nice feeling. He was slowly gaining confidence that he was fine, nothing threatened him and he could fall asleep on his own.

Hazel-eyed woke up first and tried to remember when Błażej's hand found its place in his. He wondered if it had been like this all night. He sat on the edge of the bed and stretched. I guess that'll have to do for now, he thought and turned away. He looked at the sleeping Błażej, who began to fidget and search for the other man's hand again. Makary smiled and corrected himself in his mind that this was absolutely enough for him. The first year suddenly jumped up, startled but still half awake when he couldn't find what he was looking for.

"Calm down, I'm here," the hazel-eyed man chuckled. "And I will whenever you want," he added in a whisper.

"I'm glad," muttered sleepy Błażej and turned to the other side to doze off for a while.

"Will you be up in about half an hour for breakfast?"


Makary laughed inwardly seeing his beloved as a sleepyhead. Rather, he assumed he was the type of person who got up right away and went about his plan for the day. He preferred to get up early to have time to prepare a decent and tasty breakfast, with the possibility of enjoying it in peace. He said it must be a good day and he didn't expect any dramatic events.

Fate also assumed so, and was pleased with the developments of this week. He hoped to leave them alone for a while, taking time off from them for a long time. However, he remembered a detail a bit too late and came across Makary, who was leaving the building where Błażej lived with a sad face.

Hazel-eyed was finishing preparing breakfast when a nervous Krystian returned to the apartment. If he hadn't been in a bad mood, perhaps the little conflict wouldn't have happened. Błażej's roommate, before going inside, tried to pull himself together so that his fatigue would not be visible.

"I hope you're alive, I was worried," he exclaimed, stepping inside quickly and heading straight for the kitchen at the sound of someone being there. However, he was surprised to see a stranger. He recognized it after a moment and tossed it only maliciously. "It's you."

Makary was as surprised as he was, but he knew how important his friend was to Błażej, so he wanted to make a good impression on him. He held out his hand, intending to introduce himself formally, but Krystian didn't shake his hand, but folded his hands on his chest and stared at him with furious eyes. Hazel-eyed suddenly felt very uncomfortable and didn't know what to do with himself. The kettle whistled furiously, Makary jumped in fright, but it kept him busy at least for a while. Krystian stood in the doorway and was not going to let the visitor leave the kitchen until he asked him a few questions.

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