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Przemek was worried, he hoped that after that dinner with Monika, she would look at him with a more favourable eye. However, there was no significant change in their relationship, she treated him the same as before, and she was just as nice and polite.

He didn't want to eavesdrop, but fate wanted him to make coffee in the break room while Monika and Werka were discussing the cake during the break. He pretended not to be interested in the subject, only wished his friends a tasty meal when he left the room. But he had a hunch, and for the rest of the day, he watched the woman he had longed for. He could see she was worried about something, and it didn't look like she was going to find a solution to her problem any time soon.

Przemek thought that it might be worth taking advantage of the situation and trying to suggest his help, even if he wouldn't gain anything from it again. However, Monika's smile, which he could observe from his office, would make up for everything, he just had to get it back. He waited patiently for everyone to leave the office and then approached her.

"Are you planning a party?" he asked politely. "I didn't want to, but I overhear a bit," he explained with an innocent smile.

"Yes, I'm throwing a surprise party for my cousin," she replied. "His twentieth birthday."

"Big party? You look worried?" As if with a natural gesture, he took the heavy bag with the files she still wanted to sort out at home. He wanted to let her know that he would be happy to continue the conversation on the way to the parking lot.

"On the contrary." Monika gave him a grateful look. "It's a surprise I'd like to give him."

"What are you planning?" Przemek was intrigued and felt that this was his chance.

Monika hesitated for a moment whether she should tell him the details. She knew she could trust him, but she still wondered if there was more to it all. Sometimes she had the impression that Przemek expected her to make some decisions, or at least clear signals that would entitle him to act. She herself wasn't sure if she could offer him more than friendship.

He waited for her answer, and in his eyes, she read only the desire to help. She sighed a little and summoned up her courage. She told him that she would like his younger sister to appear at Błażej's birthday. She spoke sadly about why it was so important to both of them and why there were some complications in implementing such a simple plan. She was always hurt and angry with her aunt and uncle for trying to separate the siblings from each other for such a stupid reason as Błażej's orientation.

"I help them as much as I can so they can keep in touch," she concluded her story. "But how much can I expect from a child that she deceives her parents and behaves as if she was involved in some conspiracy?"

"A difficult situation indeed," confirmed Przemek, handing Monika a bag, which she threw into the trunk of the car.

"Błażej's parents are not stupid either," Monika sighed. "I will not convince them with anything and I do not want to force Baśka to lie too much." The woman leaned against the car and smiled warmly at her superior. "Thank you for listening to my problems."

"Always. I'm sure you'll think of something," he said comfortingly as she got into the car.

Monika thanked him again and they said goodbye. Przemek returned home convinced that he would come up with something that would help the woman. Even his teenage daughter watched with interest, what consumed her father for the weekend. The girl had to admit that she had not seen him in such a state for a long time, she had already guessed that he had fallen in love with someone, but did it have anything to do with it?

She was even more surprised when he asked her for her opinion on whether something he had just created looked real. She confirmed although she didn't understand what it was for, her father was so proud of himself, so she just shrugged and went back to talking to her friend Przemek sent everything to Monika, along with the plan he had developed for her. She told him with a message: Thank you, you are brilliant!. That was enough for him, he felt happy that soon he would see her and her beautiful smile.

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