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Saint Nicholas' Day which this year fell in the middle of the week, was approaching, Błażej and Makary decided to go to the Christmas market. The older of them had finished his classes early that day, so he was waiting outside the faculty for his beloved, although he did not want to admit that he thought so about the other.

Three weeks have passed since that meeting when Błażej told him that there was no chance of building something bigger with him. Makary promised to be patient, although sometimes it was hard for him, and it did not escape the attention of the first year, who was even more withdrawn from the hazel-eyed because of the remorse that he could not give him what he expected. At the same time, he was angry that he could not definitively disagree with the meetings. Błażej wanted to be next to Makary, his presence and conversations with him made his heart seem calm and warm. They exchanged messages and photos all the time, but despite this, the elder still felt that the first year hadn't opened up enough to be completely comfortable around him.

He checked the time on his phone again and wondered when Błażej would finally leave the building. He didn't have a specific plan for this meeting, but he forgot to bring both a hat and gloves, so he was a bit cold. Finally, he saw him, and immediately his heart began to beat faster, but he did not move a step, because Błażej did not leave the building alone, surrounded by four girls. He assumed they were his classmates. Makary was annoyed that the man hadn't even looked around to see if he was already waiting for him. However, he remembered that he wanted to surprise him and had not told him about his early arrival. He clenched his fists in the pockets of his coat, if only he had the strength to go over there, but he knew that these cheerful, chatty girls would quickly overwhelm him and keep him from speaking. As if he could still get it out of him, he sighed heavily.

Błażej was showing them something on his phone and talking excitedly about something. Makary wondered if he had seen it too. What if not? What's wrong with me that you're not showing the real you yet, he thought in frustration and ruffled his hair a bit. In the end, the students freed Błażej from their group. He took a deep breath as they hugged goodbye. He felt as if steam was coming out of his ears, which were heated by jealousy combined with anger. These gestures were so casual when the younger one always kept a safe distance from him. Błażej looked at the phone and dialed Makary's number.

"Look to your right," the hazel-eyed man said, glad to finally be the center of his attention. The first year looked around and finally saw him. Involuntarily, a smile appeared on his lips, which made Makary so emotional that he no longer held anything against him.

"If I knew that you'd be there earlier, I wouldn't talk to the girls," Błażej announced worried because, despite the smile, he felt that Makary was nervous. "I'm sorry that you had to wait."

"It's okay," replied the taller man. "I just got a little cold."

"Here," said Błażej after a moment, handing him his gloves. "I can at least offer you this much."

"Thank you," Makary muttered, blushing at this small but nice gesture.

"So are we ready to go? "the younger man suggested.

The first year couldn't remember the last time he had gone to this kind of event, and he could be as excited as a child by such things sometimes, so he was in a good mood. In addition, he was also planning to go there one weekend with Monika and Tymek, and at least he would know what positions to keep the child away from, so as not to lose a lot of money. Makary only nodded, putting on gloves, and slowly followed his object of sighs.

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